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Anton Chigurh

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Everything posted by Anton Chigurh

  1. Anton Chigurh


    He’s a Longhorn Legend.
  2. It’s about as long as a Canyonero!
  3. Thanks, buddy. I know that your journey has been pretty crazy, and I really appreciate your insight.
  4. Anton Chigurh


    Most of the US sourced copies of the best film score ever sound like ass (most were made from a damaged tape and have a ton of distortion). I have one that is okay, but even for being NM it isn’t the quietest. A Japanese copy finally showed up from a US seller for under median so I grabbed it, and I’m loving it. This version of the album cover also kicks the shit out of the US one.
  5. Thanks, dudes. I think you are right and I will try to make sure to do that.
  6. Well, I guess I am in this club now, bitches. I am now a lymphomie with NSCHL. Luckily, it is a pretty curable thing, even in later stages. I’m still unstaged until my PET scan on the 27th, but already have my port installed and ready to go. Had two inconclusive core biopsies from a cervical neck node, and then an excisional biopsy removed two nodes in my subclavicular area (where I first noticed a swollen node) and confirmed it. Anyone else ever gone through this or any other subtype of Hodgkin’s (or even NHL)? Tips? Tricks? I think that I will likely receive the ABVD regimen, as it is the most common for CHL patients in the US, but I’ll find out soon enough. Just looking forward to getting this shit behind me.
  7. Forgot these of a Pinyon Jay. A Pinyon Jay that stole my bacon during breakfast in Arches NP as I was following him around trying to get photos!
  8. Great Blue Heron Snowy Egret White Ibis Little Blue Heron Tri Colored Heron Trumpeter Swans American White Pelican These last two are pretty low quality but, Osprey Bald Eagle That’s all, folks!
  9. Tufted Titmouse Carolina Chickadee Male House Finch Western Tanager Lesser Goldfinch Blue Gray Gnatcatcher Black Throated Sparrow on a snow-covered Prickly Pear. Northern Cardinal
  10. Juvenile Cooper’s Hawk having another bird for a meal (maybe a cardinal) Orchard Oriole (I think) Immature Male Orchard Oriole I don’t know is these are Ruby Throated or Black Chinned Hummingbirds, and their range overlaps where these were taken. Female Summer Tanager Male Summer Tanager
  11. Woodhouse’s Scrub Jay Mississippi Kite bringing food (cicada) to its fledgling. Downy Woodpecker I *think* this is some kind of female Tanager or Bunting. Not sure though. Painted Bunting
  12. Let’s see what I can dig up that isn’t a condor. Lots of not great photos and super crops here, but it’s not the photography thread so we’ll let it slide! Common Raven Dark-Eyed Junco American Robin Orange Crowned Warbler Brown Headed Cowbirds American Goldfinch Northern Flicker (red shafted) Western Bluebird
  13. I also need to get out more myself, but this motherfucking lymphoma diagnosis might cramp my style for a bit. I need to at least go to the big birding area nearby at some point.
  14. Sorry that these aren’t new new, but I finally tried out my new Valoi 360 DSLR scanning rig and re-scanned some of my film shots. I like it. It makes the film flatter with 120 than my other setup. It’s also MUCH quicker, especially if the roll is uncut. Dust can still a problem, and shots with lots of sky or dark areas (as most of these are) can take a bit of manual healing in Lightroom or PS. That said, I get much more consistent results now, as these medium format shots are actually two exposures stitched back together in Lightroom (resolution ends up around 43MP). All shot on Mamiya RB67. B&W is TMax400, the color is Ektachrome 100 slide film and Velvia 100. I think this first one is Velvia 100, but it’s been a while. I found it very hard to work with. These are Ektachrome which has been just great. And a few I scanned of my dad and aunt from the mid 60s on unknown Kodak stock.
  15. It’s not as cool as the W11 (which is hard to do, also my favorite car ever), but I do get these vibes from it. And yes I absolutely love the black, too.
  16. McLaren was definitely complicit for many of the issues themselves. This was before the current Zak Brown regime, though.
  17. Top 3: Suzuka, Silverstone, Spa (then Monaco, Canada) Bottom 3: Jeddah, Miami, and I suppose Abu Dhabi. Jeddah by far is my least favorite.
  18. Actual new car here, though probably an early version. Also kind of doubt that floor edge actually sees the track, but who knows!
  19. Anton Chigurh


    I’m on the fence for this one.
  20. Late February to early May for birds. Weather, late October to early April. Can easily extend that if you are not tent camping, though.
  21. RB18 with like 2 different stickers.
  22. And those wheels linked are the best ones for an FJ/4Runner IMO. They also have a little more offset I believe so it will push the tire out a little more.
  23. https://www.goodingco.com/press/article/the-first-ever-aar-gurney-eagle-accompanied-by-roster-of-american-automotive?mibextid=Zxz2cZ
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