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Paul Wesley

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Everything posted by Paul Wesley

  1. Andy Kim was the guy cleaning up the Capitol after Jan 6, right? I loved that photo so so much.
  2. If Ford can force about 20 turnovers this year, he'll get runner-up DPOY to some UCF defensive end we've never heard of.
  3. I think the first throw is just a lateral (i.e. Ewers doesn't show up in the box score for that play).
  4. Yeah, if the Texas staff gives Baxter any more carries after that, they're not paying attention. Long season. Get him some rest.
  5. I had to look it up. Their collective 5 wins: UMass New Mexico Cal Samford UL Monroe
  6. Rarely does a 3-0 team look hopelessly inept in a contest with a terrible-looking 2-1 team.
  7. I didn't remember this scandal, but having read his wiki page, he seems like he was the perfect coach for Liberty: As part of discovery for the lawsuit, Nutt's attorneys filed a freedom-of-information request for calls Freeze made on his university-issued cell phone during January 2016. While reviewing those records, Nutt's attorneys discovered a call to a number associated with a female escort service, and alerted Ole Miss officials about it. Freeze claimed it was a misdialed number.[38] School officials investigated, and discovered what they later described as "a concerning pattern" of similar calls dating back to shortly after he arrived in Oxford:[39] at least a dozen calls over 33 months,[7][8] often made while Freeze was traveling on business trips using Ole Miss' private plane.[26]
  8. total yards: 99 to -1 Auburn lucky that it's a one-score game (Captain Obvious)
  9. Last time we were in Waco, we were up 4 late in the 3rd quarter, and our punter (Dicker?) got absolutely drilled after he got the kick away. Should have been 1st down Texas in Baylor's side of the field, with a chance to take a 2-score lead. And the worst part of it was watching the announcers replay it from every angle. "See! It was blocked!" (Replay shows it's not blocked. Ball goes 40+ yards in the air) "Well, you can't see the block, but it's definitely there, so let's watch to see if ball changes trajectory." (ball does not). "Well, the best way to tell would be to listen. Let's listen to see if there's a thump from a blocked kick." (sound of punter getting hit after the punt). "See! It was blocked. What a great play!"
  10. Cross posting from the Wyoming game thread... I just totally disagree when some people try to reduce this topic to "Generation (A) is like this, but generation (B) is like that." People of every age just want to have fun, feel the energy of a crowd, and have a shared experience. There want to feel like they are PART of something. They may not leave the house and articulate, "I want to have a communal, shared experience," but that's what they want. They can get that from Wabash Cannonball or from hiphop or from almost anything in-between. What the people at Bellmont absolutely do not understand is this: When you carpet-bomb the audience with obnoxious, deafening shit every single dead ball -and when you insist that 100,000 pairs of eyeballs direct themselves to the video screen - you're taking away your own home field advantage. Crowds are not capable of flipping a switch, where they go from passive consumers of the ****LOOK AT ME**** Jumbotron, and then suddenly becoming an active, vocal, cheering, involved part of the game. I've never seen a quieter, less-engaged 100,000 people than the ones who hardly stood, noticed, or cheered for the defense when Wyoming snapped the ball on a critical 3rd down in a tie ballgame.
  11. Yes, yes, yes. This is getting discussed on the "Gameday" thread, and most everyone there (and on this page) are saying the same things. I just totally disagree when some people try to reduce this topic to "Generation (A) is like this, but generation (B) is like that." People of every age just want to have fun, feel the energy of a crowd, and have a shared experience. There want to feel like they are PART of something. They may not leave the house and articulate, "I want to have a communal, shared experience," but that's what they want. They can get that from Wabash Cannonball or from hiphop or from almost anything in-between. What the people at Bellmont absolutely do not understand is this: When you carpet-bomb the audience with obnoxious, deafening shit every single dead ball -and when you insist that 100,000 pairs of eyeballs direct themselves to the video screen - you're taking away your own home field advantage. Crowds are not capable of flipping a switch, where they go from passive consumers of the ****LOOK AT ME**** Jumbotron, and then suddenly becoming an active, vocal, cheering, involved part of the game. I've never seen a quieter, less-engaged 100,000 people than the ones who hardly stood, noticed, or cheered for the defense when Wyoming snapped the ball on a critical 3rd down in a tie ballgame.
  12. In my experience, that will trigger a bunch of offers for $1.75.
  13. I'm listing some little-used gear on Reverb. I have a Weber 100-watt Mass attenuator. Not the "lite" version, but the full version, and the old style where you could put ears on it and rack-mount it (which is what I did). Also a rackmouinted Palmer PDI-03 speaker simulator - they were used a lot in 80's/90's recordings (Alex Lifeson, tons of T-Bone Burnett stuff, etc). They do slightly different tasks. The Weber is a power-soak so that you can crank the output tubes of your amp and still be in the same room with it +/- recording it. The Palmer unit replaces your speaker cabinet and has a line out that you can use to record (similarly, this lets you get the hi-gain sounds you want from your amp). I thought I'd need one or both of them, but my studio has amp closets in highly soundproof rooms, so these things have gotten almost zero use. You can get an idea of value on Reverb. I'll give you the Surly discount, especially if you're in Austin and I don't have to deal w shipping.
  14. Generally, yeah, that's how music works... up until a certain point - where it's impossible to shout over it - and then all conversations stop. You seem to think everyone is arguing for peace and quiet. We're not. I'm in favor of a noisy home-field advantage, and the biggest part of home-field advantage is fan engagement. My issue (probably everyone's issue) with the Jumbotron is that it discourages fan engagement by either shouting down the fans and/or turning them into silent, passive TV-watchers. FOR EXAMPLE: Texas is on defense, and a big 3rd-down is coming up. Maybe it's a TV timeout. Jumbotron plays some insanely loud shit. Trust me on this: if you were in my section, you absolutely cannot talk over it. Conversations stop. All eyes turn and look at the Jumbotron. Wyoming breaks the huddle and goes to the line. Jumbotron abruptly stops, and the stadium is SILENT, and people aren't even aware, "Hey, this is a big play." There's WAY less fan noise/energy/engagement than there would have been without the 60-year old men behind the curtain giving 100,000 fans Havana Syndrome. This happens over and over all game long.
  15. True story: I'm driving from Austin to Dallas 12-15 years ago, and I'm out of range for Austin stations, and I'm scanning the radio to find something to listen to (today I'd be streaming music or listening to a podcast, but I guess terrestrial radio was still a thing for me at the time). It might have been the Friday of TX-OU weekend. Anyway, I'm scanning stations and I get to the Baylor radio guys doing one of their daily/weekly afternoon call-in shows. The topic of the Baylor QB comes up. It might have been Bryce Petty, or maybe this was a year or two pre-Petty. The announcers say, "What a fine young man! He's a good, Christian kid. I'm just so proud to have gotten to know such a great kid with such strong beliefs," etc. And here's where it's going to sound like one of those anonymous I-visited-Kyle-Field-and-Aggie-fans-are-the-best-ever internet stories... but I'm telling you this is a first-hand account: The VERY next thing out of their mouths - and I may not be getting this exactly verbatim, but it's probably close - "He (Baylor QB) is not like those kids we hear about from right down the road..." in a very clear reference to UT. I remember calling someone - one of my. friends who is a fellow UT grad - and recounting this broadcast and laughing about how an actual topic on Baylor sports radio is the righteousness and the superior morality of their players. A few years later, I started seeing a trickle of internet stories from one rape victim after another about how they were ignored/silenced/dismissed by both Waco PD and Baylor administration.
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