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Everything posted by Haphap

  1. then the more you will not like her for what she posted further down that twitter thread. Totally shifting focus from the terrorist to her
  2. You know the guy arrested with unauthorized credentials ? well...
  3. <looking at Twinkies> I thought you guys just ate donuts?
  4. maybe the realization that the malevolent being has gotten into her dreams, Freddy Krueger style... like that asian lady with the newborn
  5. The daggers that the maid was shooting to Kendall as she was taking out the presumably dirty bed sheets was hilarious
  6. because of Labor Day long weekend
  7. I rewatched that part of the episode and nowhere I found this. Must have been photoshopped for funsies
  8. underground Wildfire explosion can wreck lasting environmental damages to its surrounding areas, to the point of levelling mountains and drying up the beaches
  9. Callback to a past GRRM talk with his publisher that he had a novel in the works highlighted by three things. Birth of dragons, a threat of a supernatural being and a feud between two families
  10. The soldiers are facing North. And she likely arrived from the south probably via White Harbour. She probably can’t get through anywhere except the front with the dug up trench surrounding winterfell. So she went around the left flank
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