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Everything posted by Player

  1. Got away with another meatball on an 0-2 count.
  2. Can totally see the lines can’t you Russ?
  3. Kaufman is great. The renovation they did modernized the concourses/amenities, but kept the overall retro space age vibe of the park (if that makes any sense).
  4. System is borked. Or they’re sold out. Or both.
  5. #maroongoons #sorrynotsorry
  6. So children getting ready to go back to school have nothing to fear, dotard? https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/08/us/bulletproof-backpacks-mass-shootings-trnd/index.html
  7. The prosecutor’s closing statement was laughably bad, especially the crocodile tears. The judge wasn’t having any of it.
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