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Beau Vine

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Beau Vine

  1. What I have picked up from Denver sports radio is the NO ONE is Makar. Maaaybe Bobby Orr, But comparing anyone else to Makar is utter heresy.
  2. I'm starting to wonder if the winner of the Lou Gehrig Award has to get ALS?
  3. You are in more dire need of a blowjob than any white man in history.
  4. Woman walks into a bar. She says, “I’ll have an entendre. Make it a double.” So the bartender gave it to her.
  5. Avs fans were claiming that this was a clean hit about this time last year:
  6. We are actually in Denton for a wedding, but I appreciate the heads-up. Neighbors on one side had a dead pecan tree fall (I had hinted several times that they should take it down) and took out part of our fence. Neighbor on the other side had a tree branch go through her dining room window. We actually just spent $2500 3 days ago to take down a 100+ yo oak tree that recently died. So everything turned out OK for us. Glad we missed it.
  7. From a JoePos column:
  8. Denver Post columnist crying about the Benn hit:
  9. HOLY FUCK, Seguin put one in the net! It must be our night...
  10. Weadeater, cheez-it's or Gin & Juice. Guess which one I'd rather attend. The Beef O'Brady Bowl?
  11. It's the hockey version of "charging, count the basket" that NCAA basketball refs used to love so much.
  12. Highlights from today's Rockies-WhiteSox game:
  13. Amazing collection of horrible names: SOme of these are seriously worse than Utah Jazz.
  14. I have to seriously cull my library next week. Anyone want 20 years of Baseball Prospectuses (Prospecti?)? I will box and ship at cost.
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