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Don Johnson

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Everything posted by Don Johnson

  1. So, if I drop an M&M on the sidewalk in SF, probably best to not follow the 5 second rule?
  2. Are you serious? You think there has to be a federal mandate for someone to be against it? Can someone be against this or is an opinion not allowed because it was blocked by the court? https://apnews.com/article/vaccine-requirement-biden-covid-fifth-circuit-74ae504966aaf5239a42cc3e677182b4
  3. There doesn't have to be a federal vaccine mandate for one to be for or against it. It was a topic of discussion for about 2 years and hashed out over and over. There were attempts at federal mandates. Also, the discussion doesn't have to be limited to federal. One can be against military covid mandates or OSHA covid mandates. I have no idea what you supported.
  4. Just driving by, but I would think donor children would positively affect population like you suggest, but adoption would not. Those children exist whether adopted by gay, straight or no one.
  5. I assume they can test the substance to see if it was just sweat and rosin?
  6. Should be required viewing, beginning to end, for anyone who has posted ITT on Rebekah Jones.
  7. But I bet it smelled incredible for about 30 minutes.
  8. Disappointed. I thought we were finally going to discuss this masterpiece.
  9. No clue. Something tells me you don't walk in a find Nazi flags hanging over the breakfast table and Mein Kampf in the entry foyer. An article from the Maddow Blog seems like it would let you know if it was like walking into the HQ in American History X https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/rich-arent-you-me-flna815035 Crow is quite a collector. His personal library would rival a small college, complete with first editions on American history, several original Gilbert Stewart paintings decorating the walls and, under long glass displays, letters of famous people from Thomas Jefferson to the Wright brothers. Then there's the room mementos of the principals of World War II – on one wall, a painting by Winston Churchill, on another wall a landscape by Dwight Eisenhower and, on a third wall, two original paintings of a European city scene by Adolph Hitler. These are online photos:
  10. With no weight given to the Eisenhower, Churchill, every single signer of the Declaration of Independence and every single signer of the US Constitution memorabilia? Seems logical.
  11. No, I don't think I'd prominently display that in my home, certainly not over memorabilia from the "good guys." But I also don't think it should be disposed of and forgotten. It's interesting, historical and despicable at the same time.
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