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Everything posted by castolon

  1. I have to be honest, some days I wish I was an operator. Maybe most days. Production engineer here, so my life is pretty okay, but I completely own my unit's problems. Maybe more than I should.
  2. You know, just the contribution from someone who has had to deal with a divorce, estranged dad nearly dying and such plus a bunch of the previous songs.
  3. On the International Spy Museum's Podcast, they interviewed the author of "The Saboteur: The Aristocrat Who Became France's Most Daring Anti-Nazi Commando". I haven't read it, but added it to the reading list. Seems like an interesting read.
  4. Wisconsin drivers drive slow as hell and look at you like you're the asshole when you want to go 85. That's all I've got. They might not be wrong on the asshole front, but be warned.
  5. Jesus christ. Look I love that place and go about every other month, but that's like hipster steel shank, which is no steel shank at all.
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