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Sam Lin

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Everything posted by Sam Lin

  1. I do this roughly once a year with a bunch of friends. As rare as it is that we can get together, we simply would rather spend the cooking time doing something else. But every time I do it in my mind I'm thinking "damn, that could buy another WSM or even a Kamado." If we did this more than once a year? I'd definitely be buying an offset smoker and doing it myself. Little Miss BBQ in AZ, the guy who opened it is a Texas transplant who was active on the original Shaggy site and posted there when he opened. He's been super-successful, lines basically every day at 2 locations in AZ. I find it too salty, but my other option is Rudy's.
  2. Some of my doctor friends say the ob/gyn rotation was some of the most disgusting stuff they dealt with in med school.
  3. Ooh ooh ooh please chart AMYZF.
  4. Not peanut butter, no care.
  5. Sounds like you should have told her "no more Oonis"
  6. You need to order the ones with extended pockets.
  7. Most of us are more polite and refer to them as our relatives or in-laws. Random trash is a bit harsh.
  8. Pull forward parking. Strikes again.
  9. Why? So they can wake up people near them with the notifications while they hit snooze for the next 45min?
  10. Valid point, it's actually an incredibly simple plot if summarized.
  11. Sam Lin


    2 boosters have reached 10 reuses. 10!!! In a world where just 10yrs ago reuse was still a crazy man's crazy dream. Truly a new Space Age.
  12. Saw this last night on Imax. Was not disappointed. Went in not knowing what to expect, but it reminded me most of the first movie (a good thing), and not only because much of it has direct flashbacks to the first movie. I really enjoyed the additional worldbuilding of the real world and the machines. Acting was solid. Action was solid, only really jumped the shark once or twice. Came out of it feeling like there wasn't much actual plot though, like the entire 4th movie was only the intro half of a story. If they want to milk this series for money, they could do endless spinoff "Trinity" and "Morpheus" movies or shows, plenty of room to keep using those. Unfortunately, couldn't take Doogie Howser seriously.
  13. So, for a couple hours there, you were part of the Seattle team!!
  14. From here: https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/will-i-have-diarrhea-a-flow-chart
  15. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2021/12/tesla-sexual-harassment-lawsuits-multiply-as-6-more-women-sue-musk-led-firm/
  16. Damn. RIP. My favorite pic of him was the one with him wearing a blazer (and tie?) for some TV thing behind a podium? And the behind the scenes photo shows he's just wearing random shorts with it behind the podium.
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