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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by justhookit

  1. You realize who you are arguing with, right?
  2. Who here hasn’t stolen a truck with body parts? I hate it when this happens. Again.
  3. “but it’s on auto.” You see that heat/cool switch? I wanted to jump off a cliff after that conversation. Brand new build and we still don’t have a smart thermostat installed and even once we do I’m quite sure she will mess it up.
  4. After a clusterfuck in the middle of Covid things have calmed down. Just got an appointment in the Houston office for same day service on the 19th. Apparently there would have been more appointments available but they are installing new machines next week to print the actual passports so they aren’t taking anything next week. There were a bunch of appointments available in Dallas. Im quite sure something will go wrong with the new machines and it will mess up our trip. Again.
  5. I think it’s 90 days? @Anastasis
  6. Thanks for your input. You’re in the vax discussion thread.
  7. Leaving on the 20th and as of now we are booked to come back Mar23 so you’ve got a 2 month window. Y’all come down and visit. Jax can come stay at my place while you are gone 😂
  8. That would be the best thing ever to know. I need to ask around. They are as shit aren’t doing anything up top yet that I’ve seen besides diverting traffic
  9. Quick google looks like he’s in Fredericksburg. Maybe I misremembered. Cool guy and saved me a ton of money.
  10. Yeah I was just making a joke. I was wanting to see more of Askew from early on this year.
  11. Serious answer. Lance Berkman’s dad got me out of a jam. Not sure if he’s around anymore but he’s Larry Berkman and should be out of Houston if he’s still around.
  12. To be fair, when he does try to score it looks ugly too.
  13. My bud light didn’t taste good after my booster last week. Feature or bug? honestly nothing other than slightly sore shoulder for 24 hours. Nothing like my first shot chills and low fever and basically feeling like crap for 24 hours. Moderna all 3. I also got my flu vax 3 weeks ago so I am sure my body was just prepared for the fight.
  14. Yeah exactly. I really liked the movie but it seemed like it was at least 30 minutes too long. 2nd half basically dragged and it was hard to pay attention until the end.
  15. Yup. Didn’t listen to the podcast, sorry, but the testing craze/fad lately is amazing. You know why it’s hard to get a test lately? A bunch of people here on surly have the means and time to test multiple times. You feel sick? Stay home. I know a large family - 10ish people- that all popped positive this week. All asymptomatic. They tested because they were at a Christmas party where about half the people who were there had Covid. our office in Austin has twice as many people out this week as any other time since Covid started. this is insanity. We have a large portion of this country that refuses the science of a vaccine, but you think those same people are going to run out and get a test? Unless new data comes to light about Omni or we get a worse variant, this shit is over. There is no way to test or vaccinate your way out. It is what it is. About the only good reason I can think of to test anymore is if you are going to be around someone elderly or otherwise high risk, and even then if you are going to be around other people between your test and your visit, well?
  16. It was awful. 28-7 KSU up. Oh that’s football. I’m running out of games to be interested in tonight.
  17. Yup. And now KU up 15. It’s going to be an ugly game. My thought is the can’t make the shots Kansas is making. Okie lite will out athlete us. Take the under? so of course we will win 95-90.
  18. I’ve avoided that thread for my sanity at all costs
  19. Just went back to that. He said gang rebound.
  20. Yeah well this is just degrees of suck we are talking about now.
  21. I mean I want to agree because you aren’t wrong, but Walton can go 10 minutes talking and you’d have no idea he was at a game. He drives me insane. Was it last year or the year before he was calling our game in Hawaii and I for the first time ever I just muted the broadcast. Shit between Shaka and Covid it might have been 5 years ago. And then ESPN brought him back. Somebody out there likes him and I guess it’s the casual fan.
  22. Go back and watch that. It was completely unintentional but these days they are going to call that every time. Or maybe I need to go back and watch it. Looked like Askew nailed him pretty good. anyway, on to okie lite. Meanwhile seton hall up on butler near the end of the game and KU tied at half at okie lite.
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