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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by justhookit

  1. Well it was fun to see the players he had and then imagine how good they would be with real coaching or in the NBA. And we got some nice highlights. BWG is an epic moron and we all can agree on that. x-posting what I said on the game thread, but I expect we see Disu, Mitchell, Allen, Ramey and Carr from here out. Febres and Bishop off the bench. Jones and Askew can play as needed and if we have to bring Cunningham in for minutes, ok I guess. That’s my hope anyway.
  2. Yeah. I’m pretty positive our defense is very good to exceptional. Our offense is, well, it’s a work in progress and I completely get this is what we will likely see from Beard’s teams. Especially without a one and done which Beard will get here. I’m good with that. Actually no I’m great with that because I no longer have to watch us jack up 25 foot 3’s on a break or with 25 left on the shot clock. Sorry if I came across as a negative Nancy. I actually like watching this team.
  3. I’m 99.9% sure I haven’t been critical of this team and I’m 100% sure I haven’t been critical of the defense.
  4. ^Incarnate Word sucks. They probably wouldn’t beat my high school team. And I’m a Beard fan.
  5. And then our friend who is - for lack of a better term- a cardiac nurse, just got hit with Covid for the 4th time. She’s fully vaxxed and boosted.
  6. Yeah my girlfriends daughter has basically had a headache and runny nose but that’s it and no fever. She’s staying home but hasn’t tested but I know she has it. She wanted to come visit this week. Just no. Her boyfriend, his sister, their mom and the rest of the family all have it after testing. They’ve all run low to moderate fevers. Boyfriend who is 28 got blue lips he was having so much trouble breathing. They were all together for 5-10 days in Texas and then Colorado over Xmas. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. Oh, none of them are vaxxed despite our best efforts with my girlfriend’s daughter. I can’t explain the idiocy with the rest of them.
  7. There an entire CR thread for the couple of you that want to start an argument here.
  8. I haven’t tried that yet but I need to. After living in Port A so long it’s a struggle for me to get up the interest to go past the stoplight 1/2 mile from my house. Burger Comapny and Scutllebutts we will still hit if we are passing by. @Ag with kidsDragonfly still around? Used to love that place but haven’t been since Harvey.
  9. So, it’s like our LB situation. All you had to say. and that was a terrible call to go for 2, and then the play call.
  10. Ok so Disu, Mitchell, Allen, Ramey, Carr. Febres and Bishop off the bench. I can live with that. Please stop playing Cunningham. I’m with ztejasI like the idea of Askew but the dude has got to start looking at the basket. Maybe it clicks but next year is probably where it happens. He’s still like 2 years younger than Ojomo. im fairly sure my high school team would have won by 20 over Incarnate Word.
  11. Listen to the Ag on this. One of these days I’ll post some thoughts on eating in Port A. The last few years have not been good to our culinary experience.
  12. Literal shacks are selling for 400k down here. If the property is more than 2500 sq ft and in good shape it will make it no problem.
  13. Still the greatest Christmas song of all time. And is perfect for this website.
  14. Those both suck, but still better than New Covid.
  15. What have you done with the Brisket we all know? But yeah I hope so although i think it’ll be a few more months down the road. Maybe summertime. I’ll play the pessimist since you’ve relinquished your normal role and say no. We are just going to live with this crap forever. And that’s fine. edit- ok protected against severe disease I agree.
  16. I managed to find it once. I have no idea how to get back and no desire to either. You’re welcome.
  17. Huh? Like I said I don’t really get into the CR thing and the only poster that got banned I can even think of by name is Wanker Bob. He was an idiot and asshat no matter what board he was posting on. I don’t give a shit what other people have gotten run out of CR. The few others I recall getting crowd sourced would probably align pretty close to me politically. I’m way on the right compared to a lot of other suryly’s. If they were good posters on other boards they should have stayed the fuck out of CR. This website does a pretty good job of policing itself.
  18. 😬 Negged A few people do that but who cares? I don’t think you’ve ever lost a good poster because of anything like that. Maybe I’m wrong I don’t pay much attention to what goes on in CR.I mean I neg the crap out of Sydney and ctj but nothing happens. I’ll start on you and feel free to start your own website.
  19. You really think anyone wants to read about our last year?
  20. Well that ended up bad, too, so……. What a beating it was. He even left out our first round exit in the ncaa tourney. Fuck.
  21. Maybe it’s because you are buying 4 boxes.
  22. So on the right hand side that’s a street light. Left side was the interesting part to her as it was a shadow of a palm tree on our across the street neighbor’s garage. so at midnight a few nights ago we had a few friends over and she says “I love this time of year because it’s the only time of year you get to see that shadow.” I asked once, nicely if she wanted to rethink that. The dude just about fell out of his chair and the other girl said “well it’s because the sun is in a different spot in the winter”.
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