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Everything posted by Hermanator

  1. Our heads have been firmly up our own asses all fucking half.
  2. How the fuck are these refs this biased? He's at least a half yard short. Every single call has gone against us for a full half.
  3. What the are these cunts measuring? You can't see a FULL YARD SHORT from the sideline?
  4. If they are perfect on every deep ball even with good coverage just gotta tip your hat. What they're doing deep is almost impossible to do for a full game.
  5. I seriously think if we subbed in Neto and Cam Williams on the line then just went spread out 4 wide and ran Baxter and Blue they couldn't do anything about it.
  6. They need to call it even. If one team holds call it. When the other team holds call it. Don't overlook shit. It's not difficult yet they routinely fuck it up almost every game. With the fucking billions of dollars in thai sport at the CFB and NFL levels the refs should be highly paid full time employees whose only job is to train and prepare year round to get it 99.99 percent right when it matters.
  7. It's stupid, the DB on the edge is outweighed by 100 lbs against a pulling lineman. What's he supposed to do? Go head up and get blown up? Going low and cutting the pulling lineman to set the line for his teammates to flow and make the tackle is the only way to positively play that as a defender.
  8. This is going to be like the 2005 NC game. Their offense has 3 first round picks on it including the QB and will be too tough to keep down all game. Need to get stops when we need them but our offense has to win the game. Their defense has a couple of great dudes but overall way outmatched against us.
  9. It's not a hard script it only follows a pattern of what he wants to do. He then deviates to game situation.
  10. Screen wouldn't do anything there they were blitzing or looking to rush much. They played back just to make the tackle.
  11. He needs help. The Washington undersized ends are too quick for him. It's why we need to keep hitting them with run blocking get off as much as possible. Might need to go away from empty for a while until we can wear on them.
  12. These refs are looking to fuck us. They let a Washington hold go on the line and look to hammer us
  13. They're Pac 12 soft and we have lines built for the SEC. Blow the off the ball, get some stops, and let's make them quit.
  14. They don't have the physicality up front to do anything to us. We can run for over 200 if we want.
  15. Babers said no team since star ratings in recruiting became a thing has won a NC with zero 5 star players. Washington has zero 5 star players. We have the talent advantage overall and we have the culture. Let's go fuck these bitches up.
  16. You ever had a Ramos gin fizz? It's almost like saying you're going to slam pudding. It's a thick consistency.
  17. Didn't forget it, I addressed it in the first part of the post. It wasn't as glaring as the other 3 IMO. In this day offenses have the massive advantage in last minutes scenarios. While you want to run the ball to keep the clock moving you also need to take some risks to get first downs and keep the opponent's offense off the field. Every week we see examples of an offense that gets the ball with 40+ seconds and shoots down the field 65+ yards in no time.
  18. Just curious how you pound a Ramos gin fizz? No matter, we're gonna come out on top tonight. Knock their penix in the dirt
  19. Funny enough the Cardinals this season now have more quality wins than the Lions.
  20. And idiot prevent style soft coverage takes down the eagles today. Arizona got the ball with 2:28 left in the game at their own 30. Chunk plays down the field they're 1st and goal at the eagles 5 with 41 seconds left. 65 yards in 5 plays. Cowboys beat the Washington jerk offs one week from today and get the division and the 2 seed (unless SF blows the last 2 games)
  21. This January is going to be the epic collision of the insane roll the Ravens are on with playoff choking of Lamar Jackson. Which one will win out?
  22. Eagles and Cardinals looks like about to be tied going into the 4th quarter.
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