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Everything posted by Hermanator

  1. Sounds like you need a new definition for good hearted.
  2. How many of the good hearted folks have cops knocking at their door while they're screaming "get off my property you fucking cunts!"?
  3. Sucks that he was injured going into the game and couldn't be a factor. That really screwed us but that's what happens when you only play 3 receivers any meaningful snaps all year and one is hurt in the playoffs. Sark needs to learn from that, maybe with a little more playing time Cook could have been ready to give us production in that game.
  4. Why would they obscure the camera? If someone I don't know is at the door I don't answer it. If someone is at the door covering my camera I stand behind the door with my gun pointed at it waiting for something to happen. Can you hear the voice? That's the voice of a very white trailer park trash woman who commits lots of crimes. Methed out of her mind.
  5. Our defense got torched on almost every deep ball, refs called a biased game against us, and Ewers was below average until the last drive and the game couldn't get any closer than it is at half.
  6. If I were an NFL GM needing a QB I'd take Penix over Caleb Williams hands down. I think so too. That ability to throw a deep ball with that kind of accuracy consistently is something no one can be taught. As a GM if you can put a good line in front of him and a couple of solid weapons he looks capable of making receivers look better than they are.
  7. Yeah seems a ton of people don't know what scripting plays means. It isn't a list of plays to run one after the other with no deviation. It's more of an outline of where to take the game if they game is going the way the coach thinks it'll go. Plays that can take advantage of things he sees on tape and how he believes the defense will react to certain formations.
  8. This game is showing the one huge weakness on our team. No Collin Simmons like dude whose whole existence is about getting to QBs with elite quickness and get off.
  9. Lot of fucking dipshits in here. This isn't over. We get our second best cover guy and best cover safety back in the 2nd half and we can still out physical them up front. This team has to decide they want to step up and stop making stupid mistakes.
  10. Our heads have been firmly up our own asses all fucking half.
  11. How the fuck are these refs this biased? He's at least a half yard short. Every single call has gone against us for a full half.
  12. What the are these cunts measuring? You can't see a FULL YARD SHORT from the sideline?
  13. If they are perfect on every deep ball even with good coverage just gotta tip your hat. What they're doing deep is almost impossible to do for a full game.
  14. I seriously think if we subbed in Neto and Cam Williams on the line then just went spread out 4 wide and ran Baxter and Blue they couldn't do anything about it.
  15. They need to call it even. If one team holds call it. When the other team holds call it. Don't overlook shit. It's not difficult yet they routinely fuck it up almost every game. With the fucking billions of dollars in thai sport at the CFB and NFL levels the refs should be highly paid full time employees whose only job is to train and prepare year round to get it 99.99 percent right when it matters.
  16. It's stupid, the DB on the edge is outweighed by 100 lbs against a pulling lineman. What's he supposed to do? Go head up and get blown up? Going low and cutting the pulling lineman to set the line for his teammates to flow and make the tackle is the only way to positively play that as a defender.
  17. This is going to be like the 2005 NC game. Their offense has 3 first round picks on it including the QB and will be too tough to keep down all game. Need to get stops when we need them but our offense has to win the game. Their defense has a couple of great dudes but overall way outmatched against us.
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