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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by scottsins

  1. * peek Also, the buses were obtained and created for that company for use for field trips of children being housed at one of the immigration detention centers. The link in the tweet is pretty clear about that.
  2. King is, in fact, a hack. I agree with him politically on many fronts but I just can not put any stock into his assertions or “research”. His track record is pretty bad, from my recollection. He was the one who broke the Peyton Manning sexual assault of a team doctor story, IIRC. That’s when a lot of people got familiar with him. As far as Texas fans specifically, I think a lot of people cut their teeth on his pieces about Strong’s tenure.
  3. Yes, they can. Mueller can subpoena them. The committees could have done so, but did not.
  4. He might, assuming the phone providers' records indicate cell/phone numbers that aren't directly associated with Trump. If the blocked number calls were to then candidate Trump, if the number isn't like registered to him or whatever, there would still be some serious circumstantial evidence (which is real evidence, not the TV definition) to be gleaned from the call logs. You seem to be assuming that the actual number that is blocked is unknown to Mueller, which definitely not the case. I have no idea if the calls were to Trump or not, but if they were, we will find out about it,
  5. I greatly enjoy watching entire threads of people not “get” Hank Scorpio.
  6. I bet you’re wrong, but then again, I’ve never tasted liquid smoke before (and been made aware of it).
  7. Sonofabitch. I just made some like 2 week’s ago, using mayo and milk. How the fuck I forgot that is beyond me. My thought process was “there aren’t eggs or oil in ranch dressing?!?” Neg away. ETA: This is extra funny because I make Ranch from packets pretty often. Can’t stand the bottled stuff now. Like, if I’m ordering shitty pizza and I’m out of ranch...I’ll drive to H-E-B (when it’s open) to get a packet before placing my order.
  8. I am saying that and I have read the pleadings. Now what?
  9. Bullshit. What...do you think DOTUS would just let not being invited slide by without some Twitter vomit about it? Are you new?
  10. Took this picture at Y Mas 10 minutes ago just to say “fuck your opinion”.
  11. POTUSes don’t really go to former First Lady funerals.
  12. The DNC will have barely any impact at all, good or bad. The lawsuit filing is a fundraiser tool for these midterms.
  13. You can skip the fresh tomatoes element if you are using canned whole San Marzanos and just letting them break apart in the sauce. Texture will be what you are looking for. I never use crushed though, since they aren’t ever available as DSOP or whatever.
  14. NSIAP, but the NY AG is closely in the loop with the federal stuff, in case state charges arise.
  15. No. No. Posted by scottsins, ESQ.
  16. Is that the place near Pea Ridge Rd? The poster “Bill Brasky” used to own that joint.
  17. Kyler’s dad made him a non-starter for us, because he makes Brad McCoy look like a free-range parent.
  18. I don’t have any first hand experience, but I wonder if any criminal statutes pertaining to “official oppression” would ever apply. They are rarely invoked in practice.
  19. Rubbed some ahi tuna with guajillo powder and seared it. Threw together a pineapple pico de Gallo. Added some of the sauce from the first picture, and wallah!
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