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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by scottsins

  1. Isn’t the 2% requirement already agreed to, and only effective by 2024?
  2. How much does it cost to get them tailored?
  3. Seems familiar. What was you ur username on the old site?
  4. I chuckled at the entire claim that the mandatory minimum was unjust. Also, there isn’t even a hint that the actual offenses resulting in a conviction had questionable guilt. The “conflicting evidence” line relates to the charges of which they were acquitted.
  5. I think this guy is a total piece of trash. That said, could you go ahead and post the link to Kiki’s criminal record? It will need offense dates and dispositions of the charges in order to understand them.
  6. Nope. Just typical prosecutor over-charging. The victim being a minor isn’t really determinative at all, as far as felony/misdemeanor, practically speaking.
  7. What do you mean “pass background checks”? Like, misdemeanors other than domestic violence, such as DWI, unlawful carrying a weapon, resisting arrest, terroristic threat, assault causing bodily injury? Yeah. I have a TB of client files with those charges who were admitted or allowed to stay in the military. No idea what background check they are referring to.
  8. You don’t need a wall for that, and a wall isn’t even the most effective option either.
  9. Abel Reyna, as DA, deals with every allegation in the county. He just got two players’ charges no-billed recently. He is such an utter piece of shit.
  10. The actual barbecue items (not tamale spread) is good barbecue, especially if you just don’t like tender meat with any of that pesky “smoke flavor”.
  11. I heard the photographer being interviewed days before the Time cover was released. He unequivocally stated that they were NOT separated. So, you are saying that Time captioned the cover photo “(seen above a young girl is separated from her mother who was seeking asylum)”? i just want to know how culpable Time was in committing this alleged fraud.
  12. Yep. Rape victims need to get some personal responsibility and make sound rational decisions. Overcome that so-called “trauma”.
  13. Well, you are misstating the premise of those who believe that it’s not a coincidence. The number of points has jack shit to do with the theory.
  14. I don’t buy into this yet, but it’s clear that many of the posters in this thread don’t really get the concept of 14/88. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteen_Words
  15. So you DON’T think that abortion is actually murdering an innocent baby then?
  16. Real talk... DeLuca’s Pizza is my favorite pie other than DiFara’s in Brooklyn. Owner is a transplant from NYC. His daily dough-making capacity’s limit, so call a day ahead to reserve. It’s crazy good. http://delucashotsprings.com/
  17. My only issue with this take is that currently, red states already bust their asses to pass abortion restrictions and barriers, up to what is permitted by current case law. I don’t see them keeping the issue alive to motivate the base. They already show that they do not follow that strategy.
  18. Do you honestly believe that any of what you posted even comes remotely close to addressing the questions you were responding to?
  19. Brow beating those who didn’t vote or voted for Stein is such a flawed, but typical DNC approach. It’s like the game plan is: “OK! We are going to just have the same voters come out for us again...BUT THIS TIME THEY WILL VOTE WAY HARDER!!!”
  20. If you consider that child porn, then I have bad news for you. From your linked article: ”The clip is making its way around Facebook, but anyone sharing it should be aware that it is a crime to circulate child porn, even if you are trying to get help for the child. Any further distribution revictimizes the child, and because of that, PJM will not share the video or photos from the movie that show the victims' faces. The only thing the public can do is report it to the authorities.”
  21. A significant number of them think that abortion = murder of babies.
  22. Why is this being lauded by the right as some badass Trump win, MAGA type of thing. I get being pleased because choosing him meant that the replacement will be from the right. I disagree, but it’s at least logical. However, I see some people here and elsewhere exclaiming “Trump is going to save us...I KNEW he was the guy to get it done!” Get what done? Kennedy retiring? No voire on Garland? Choosing replacements from a list of conservative justices? ANY GOP president would have done the same.
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