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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by scottsins

  1. You are turning into the GOP version of Hugo with the drive-boy’s and one liners.
  2. I’m assuming that his is sarcasm (the last sentence). Making the midterms about abortion is a fight D’a can’t/won’t win.
  3. Can’t they lose one of them anyway, with Pence breaking the 49-49 tie?
  4. I agree wit him, but damn he needs to STFU and stop playing the role of general Trump hating pundit/activist. He can do more damage focusing on his actual cases involving POTUS.
  5. I don’t think that requirement should be applicable to those centers. Of course, I say this, assuming that there is zero state funding or assistance (besides usual tax exempt status). Also, they should be regulated somewhat, so that they do not claim higher incidence of fatal breast cancer as a consequence of abortion, etc. That shit needs to stop.
  6. Umm...no. GOP would love to motivate their base for the midterms by putting the “lives of babies” and “Adam and Eve not Steve” issues front and center.
  7. I guess the 50th post of the thread would be a good place to actually discuss the analysis of the decision, specifically the free speech issue. To me, that's easily the most compelling rationale for the majority opinion in this case. ETA: Bolverk mentioned this with the political contributions remark. That's what I was referring to WRT the 1st Amendment.
  8. “Text of the order” is not dispositive. That said, the majority opinion doesn’t rely on the text justification you note, but effectively point out other factors validating the ban constitutionally. Also, the opinion mentions not ruling on any possible statutory challenges. So... now on remand will whatever the hell that is get litigated? I would assume so, and the ultimate result to be the same.
  9. Umm...does he think he wins the issue because “ultimately HD will not be paying tariffs for selling in Mexico”? No shit, fucking moron. Euros would pay the tariff on bikes sold there from the US, decreasing sales, etc. That’s HD’s problem with these trade actions. Straw man gonna straw man.
  10. So your retort to the commentary about ethical rules went from “but Obama!”...to...”HE IS WRONG.”, with no explanation? That’s some remarkable progress you’re making there.
  11. No. You said that this type of conduct leads directly to murders and violence.
  12. Exactly. What we need, obviously are spaces where we are safe. Let’s call them “safe spaces”.
  13. YEAH! “Knock the hell outta that guy! I’ll pay your legal fees if you do!” Seems familiar.
  14. scottsins


    Ummm...they don’t usually allow you to make the call before you are booked in and processed. They don’t let you take some $ with you to holding.
  15. Any thoughts on the ethical issues posed by this guy, or was “obama wasn’t ethical!!!!!” the best you could do.
  16. Also, “I have an opinion about collusion, even though myself and the rest of the world has not seen the evidence relevant to the issue.”
  17. Jessie also used the term”bad blacks” to refer to the guys involved in the Starbucks bullshit. The man is a genius, but not in the way you think he is.
  18. Dude. From someone on “your side”, generally, the drive by posting of videos and tweets without comment or discussion makes this sub forum even MORE of a beating. You are diluting your useful input with clips of Maxine Waters calling for Trump’s impeachment (no shit she is).
  19. Are your you just going to keep ignoring brisket’s comments about the context of the “open borders” thing?
  20. I’m a fan. He needs to stick with issues relevant to his client’s case, not dive into immigration issues, etc.
  21. Family that is locked up for more than 20 days, of course.
  22. They will keep them longer, get sued and have the courts undo the EO, then Trump will claim that he tried, but dems/judges won't let him. #MAGA
  23. So, is the defense that he found her dead, stole her shit, then set her on fire?
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