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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 4th&Five

  1. Wayne was cracking me up. Happy with the ending. Great season.
  2. 4th&Five

    New Music 2024

    New PJ should be out in the next few months. I don't usually get too excited for a new record from them these days (more about the shows) but the way they've been talking about it I'm optimistic.
  3. Definitely in our plan. I took one in HS and it worked well.
  4. Pretty shitty that KC gets an extra 2 days of rest.
  5. Lulz at the defender tackling the wrong guy at the goal line.
  6. I don’t really see any other option than to promote from within. The prime candidates that they would have wanted have all taken new jobs.
  7. Eanes on two hour delay too.
  8. Fuck ‘em. They got to a Super Bowl because of the worst non-pi call ever.
  9. 4th&Five


    Anyone know when/if Red Ash will reopen? My February reservation was cancelled last week.
  10. Enjoyed it. Best use of sound in a movie that I can remember.
  11. Just drove to Alamo on south Lamar. Roads are dry. No issue. Kids better be in school tomorrow.
  12. Seems like a good start but I really have no idea what’s happening.
  13. I have tix to see it tomorrow afternoon. Weather permitting.
  14. My last BM had more intelligence.
  15. I’d rather be the Lions and get the Bucs/Eagles winner than the Packers.
  16. Which will make this even funnier.
  17. 5:30 for a fg? Packers will take that all day.
  18. Holy shit…what a meltdown!
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