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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RDCanecutter

  1. Seats in rides will be double normal width. Visitors will complain that seats are too small.
  2. And they never knew the stress of job-hunting...
  3. Yeah, about 20 years ago they took the Strip, which at one time was a stretch of quirky dives, and tore it to bits and remade it into a mall food court. Not that it was great in olden days, but at least it was original. Gallettes is the only "old" place I know of, depending on your definition of "old." I guess Egans finally caved in.
  4. Ancient Irish Gaelic for "shovel-faced traitor."
  5. I'm going with Duende. Little People. Moon-Eyed People. Goblins. Two shopping centers south of the interstate knocked the tops off of hills, no doubt spreading a lust for vengeance among the fey folk.
  6. He meant "largest" as in "highest average body mass." And I bet you thought you knew just about everything.
  7. You'll all be sorry when I'm mega-rich and I don't even hire any of you to work at the Taco Bell inside my yacht.
  8. God's not worried about cameras, Sir-- I am.
  9. Deep State do take a bite don't she.
  10. Ilsa the She-Wolf of the Shtreet-Schweepers.
  11. Thank God. I was so tired of Californians robotically squawking "Bigger than France!"
  12. I'd ignore that as drama from most people, but you literally deal with shit.
  13. I believe Louisiana's law is against "pone," as in "pone-ography." Hyaaaah hacha cacha mon hea chere.
  14. I can't speak to that, but I imagine if I'd been lazing at the Crown and Anchor and saw that the legislature was writing anti-RDCanecutter bills, I mighta moved on.
  15. Any list talking about entire states is contardebulated. eg When I moved to Austin in the 90s (when it was still cool,) I didn't give a fuck what was happening 50 miles away, much less in the Pine Curtain or DFW or the Border or out past Midland. And if I'd been in one of those places, Austin wouldn't affect me much at all. The same goes for smaller states. I didn't see Georgia on that list, so I guess it's considered "good." Me I'd like actual Atlanta, but the massive burbs are Karen-infested traffic jams driving past identical scenery like in a Flintstones cartoon. The southern half of the state is cool if you like long drives in the country, which I do, but they ain't much else. Anyway, wherever you live, you stake out a small kingdom of home, work, and recreation and you ignore the rest. For most metros you ought to be able to find some civilization.
  16. All that was as predictable as a light afternoon shower at the beach.
  17. I was gonna be a preacher but I couldn't hit the Miss Fancy intonations the right way. I hold this man in awe and envy, yes, envy, sin though it be.
  18. I don't think Dion has it in him, but wouldn't it be great if on a debate stage, Trump made a Mrs. DeSantis' eyebrows joke, and, for once in his life, Little Man Ron has a psychotic break, snaps, goes berserk, and snatches Trump's weave on live TV? Smoke bombs goin off, Ron climbin up Donnie's back like a monkey humpin a hippo, rival Secret Service Detachments poppin off rounds. Murica.
  19. Protected species. Chesapeake Bay Pus Toad. They're trying to find him a mate.
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