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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RDCanecutter

  1. One way we can fight Nazis is to drop all the whoop-de-doo Kraut talk, and just call it a sun wheel.
  2. Pretty sure the French Government seized those as World Heritage Sites. French wasn't even invented when Brat smoothed out that ochre pigment.
  3. Stopped by the coin shop with the largest inventory around here, they sometimes have my addictions (gold pesos, 20 francs, sovereigns) at low premiums. The visit was recon-- just paid off the credit card, still looking to save some cash by month's end. That was all unnecessary. They asked me to do some paintings for them, I'm to be paid a handful of gold pesos. Goblin Time y'all.
  4. Sooner or later all these scans have to give us super powers.
  5. Did OP survive? I remember drinkin down that drank, the night ticking by, wondering "Is this stuff ever going to kick in?" But then that switch flips, and you're leavin shit contrails through the night sky...
  6. He is at heart the Cafeteria Man. And nothing gets him going more than the Cafeteria Lady.
  7. fem. singular Gumpa. Plural: Gumpae. Gumpus/Gumpi for the dudes. Those advocating for non-gendered language may want to take a week off and learn Hungarian. I hear it's easy.
  8. Speaking as somebody who grew up far from any whisper about that hell-pit, Aggroid's reputation starts as "Oh, another big state engineering and veterinary school, can't be that bad," then goes in the tank as one becomes more familiar with Aggy. This is not football banter-- I don't like Auburn football either, but I can go down to Auburn, a normal college town, and find plenty of things to do without once running into cult-like behavior. I mean, they do dorky things like spontaneous yeehahs from the stands at graduation, but that's just class-mobility on display, not a "tradition."
  9. I'm totally a Deep State man. There's nothing they can't do.
  10. I feel that it is the eventual fate of every special object to wind up in the trembling hands of a relative who is addicted to a drug or a habit that demands cash faster than an honest job can provide. The pawn shop is the sandbar on which these treasures wash up. Therefore, to really keep things in the family, train a spare kid to become a pawn broker. Good on-the-spot arithmetic skills, a jailhouse lawyer's eye for detail, and a jaundiced view of the frailty of humanity. Look around your house-- which kid looks the most like Humphrey Bogart? That's your man.
  11. I think @SimonBolivar was painting in broad strokes. No need to drag him behind a truck until his head pops off.
  12. The car crash was unfortunate but taught them useful skills they will use to prosper later in life.
  13. Didn't something similar happen in the Late Western Roman Empire?
  14. In Tennessee. Flatlander Floridians careening through the hills.
  15. Yep. If somebody wants to stay in actual downtown Homewood there are two options, Aloft Birmingham Soho Square, and Valley Hotel Homewood. Both are surrounded by bars and restaurants that might as well be bars if you eat at the bar, which we do. There is a stretch of foo-foo shopping between them, including Wallace-Burke where maybe y'all can help a cracker out by buying my art. https://www.guestreservations.com/aloft-birmingham-soho-square/booking?gclid=Cj0KCQjw5f2lBhCkARIsAHeTvliAfYwWCvxRyWFkd3Jzfbkmkd95j2oqnwEOL8mU7SV5oArKKSFC5WIaAmM9EALw_wcB https://www.valleyhotelbirmingham.com/ Outside of downtown, but still in Homewood, are various generic hotels where once every 4 or 5 years they'll find somebody dead, which probably won't happen while you're there, but they are in pretty ordinary strip-mall areas. For going a smidge north and staying inside Birmingham proper in areas with nightlife, Five Points South has several new hotels. (Make sure you remember it's 5 Points SOUTH and not 5 Points WEST. West in Birmingham is where the bullets fly.) Mild caution advised in 5 Points South as well due to fairly tame mental health panhandler stuff, and I did walk up on a dude rooting through my car one night. Farther north in Actual Downtown Birmingham, if you like restored gems there's the Tutwiler and the Redmont, though I am not current on what there is to do around them at night. Finally, snuggled up by and under I-20/I-59 is the "Uptown" region which is sort of a manufactured sports and nightlife area with all your favorite airport eateries, and the Sheraton. Me I'm partial to Homewood. There is a 30 cent bus that goes from Homewood into Birmingham a couple times an hour, stops right by the Aloft and probably the Valley Hotel too. Not sure how late it runs.
  16. Yep. Mrs. Canecutter had a Delta Sigma Theta friend suggest that she join. Probably woulda been cool but she couldn't commit to the hours. I mean, even the Marine Corps let you retire at some point.
  17. http://imgflip.com/i/7tmue7 Yeah maybe. But the Tri-Delts can fight.
  18. OK, from what I can tell: Holiday Inn Express in "Tuscaloosa East" is way out (8+ miles) from the stadium, or anything else Tuscaloosa-ish in the real sense as opposed to a fanciful line on a map. Nothing close by except an Interstate exit. There is a Holiday Inn Express in Homewood, a suburb touching Birmingham and therefore about 55 miles from the UA stadium. Homewood has a pretty cool little downtown and some good restaurants, but you won't walk to any of it from this Holiday Inn Express because it is in a half-empty shopping development named "Wildwood" which has no woods or wildlife. While there you could romp around various chain restaurants with sticky tables, or maybe go check out this new concept they call "Walmart." There is also a Hooters where young ladies work because they love 40-year-old men who frequent Hooters. Oh and I forgot Lowes. Gotta hit Lowes tomorrow for more packing tape.
  19. I believe that's a Decatur thing. People act like it's the whole state but it ain't.
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