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Everything posted by destroya

  1. What a fucking dumbass. The move to usc made no sense, and now Kilff, who was 35-40 at Tech, may pay his own buyout for NFL head coaching interviews.
  2. I went through a similar situation when buying my house. Old medical bill sent to the wrong address and had gone to collections. It took a lot of phone calls and dealing with collection agency bullshit. But since the original bill has been sent to the wrong address, the collection agencies completely removed it from my credit after I paid the bill in full. I doubt they will remove it for anything less than full payment and that’s only because it was sent to the wrong address.
  3. Gave my ticket to a buddy and didn’t go to or watch the game. My takeaway on Shaka Smart basketball is we’re a good team when we shoot 40% or more on threes or someone has a career game. Otherwise we suck. Unfortunately shooting threes isn’t a strength but has become the default offense cause we don’t have an effective offense.
  4. There’s enough people who have followed recruiting long enough to know there is a strong correlation between Shepherd’s behavior during his recruitment (flakiness and manufactured drama) and him not meeting his potential. Still hope we sign him.
  5. There's a glut of FBS schools, so I would characterize any schools dropping down a division as a correction. Are schools like App State, Texas State, North Texas, Coastal Carolina, Liberty best served by being in FBS?
  6. Daddy’s gonna kill Ralphie
  7. Aren’t bats protected? As in, if you build a bat hut, once it’s inhabited by bats you can’t remove it? Years ago had a coworker who had a ton of bats start living in her attic, and it was hell to get rid of them because they were a protected species. Or some shit like that.
  8. Solid win. Good to see Hepa and Hayes get more minutes at the expense of DO. Shooting makes all the difference with this team.
  9. Boring ass basketball and no offensive identity absent a player randomly having a great game. Other than that, we’ve got nothing; there’s no system to fall back on when the shots aren’t falling. The closest thing to a system that we have is lame ass drives to the basket that rarely work because defenders sag off our perimeter players cause we can’t shoot and tons of screens that don’t lead to anything but more screens.
  10. We just went through this with Charlie Strong. Wouldn’t be surprised if Lynn Swann has to hop on a plane to seal the deal with whomever they hire.
  11. Whatever you get her, make sure you get it setup to her liking. Don’t want her to not play cause the guitar has stupid high action and stiff strings.
  12. If anyone’s looking for a solid in home workout program, onnit has their onnit 6 bodyweight and kettlebell six week programs half off. They're legit workouts with thoughtful warm up and cool down portions. All in they take around an hour to complete. https://www.onnit.com/on-demand-training/
  13. Lots of problems, but they all come down to the lack of a consistent offensive system and the inability to recruit, retain and develop players for that system. And I’m not talking about one and dones when I say retain.
  14. Him sticking around may not help us with McCoy, but it should help us with any 2020 kids who are also considering USC.
  15. Throw some steel cut oats, coconut oil, protein powder, cacao butter and peanut butter in your smoothies. The fat, protein and complex carbs will make it way more of a meal and lower the glycemic index so you don’t have a mid morning crash.
  16. Odd choice for a header, considering Huntsville’s leading industry.
  17. Going into the season, I’d been out of the loop and hadn’t paid much attention to the team. But there’s a lot to look forward to this year: mitrou-long and Hayes balled out last night. Heap has skills and febres looks like he’ll be at home in the corner. Plus AJ’s back, and that’s all kinds of awesome. This could be Shaka’s most complete team at Texas. It should be a fun season.
  18. On my phone, but if you search YouTube for ‘the corrections kettlebell’ there’s a great series of videos on basic kettlebell moves. He does a great job breaking down the swing, which is the basis of many kb exercises. If you want a short, intense workout, Dan John has one where you do 8 double kettlebell front squats and then do 100 ft farmers walk. Do that 8 times in a row without putting the weight down. Then go throw up.
  19. I have a nest and like it. But the learning feature is way overrated. It basically ‘learns’ for a few days and programs itself after that. If you set it on some wonky temperature during that time, you’ll have to manually undo it in the schedule no matter how many times you change the temperature.
  20. Gen x here (born in 75) And I agree with our man celery. And I’m really not trying to make this a demographic competition but I think folks my age had a little bit more time in the pre internet era to fully appreciate the differences between pre and post internet while still straddling that divide. Another huge shift is how much social currency was wrapped up in what bands you listened to. There was real value in turning your friends on to new music.
  21. Educate me please. Is there really a difference between millennials and gen z? Baby boomers spanned around 20 years, gen x around another 20. Now born in 96 is considered gen z? That seems more of a creation of marketers and half employed writers on jezebel trying to define their own demographic snowflake than something of actual demographic value.
  22. I’d be pissed too, if I didn’t like the person who sent the text. Pretty easy for your mom to say they haven’t decided what they’re going do with the uniform. Hopefully the cousin in law gets the hint and leaves it alone. I do think displaying the uniform is a pretty good idea, though.
  23. Lulz all you want but my point still stands: You never had any dependency issues with weed.
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