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Everything posted by SaucyJack

  1. Let us know when S Carolina funds the study.
  2. Fuckin' Mitch! Trolling the Mexicans with his "freeze" shit.
  3. Rising 3 stars, recently started playing football. Rey Kong (Empire HS; NYC) Crazy upper body strength. Abbigot Zilla (Cinese Central HS; San Fran) Big body, plays on fire.
  4. eleventy billion to tree
  5. 9-3 Depth is our biggest problem. Trend is up. Hook'em!!
  6. Leaning hard into CR. Where is McCarthy's leadership on this issue? Congress can step up at any time. https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/politics/2023/06/06/mccarthy--push-for-supplemental-ukraine-aid--not-going-anywhere-
  7. These motherfuckers better roll in blasting this at 11 or they can kiss my hairy ass!
  8. Don't know 'bout you pardner, but i'm counting on it
  9. That upper level high is intriguing. Guess we'll know by Friday. GLTA
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