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Everything posted by SaucyJack

  1. Your avatar and I like to scoop that low. That's where the best ice cream is.
  2. Let us know when S Carolina funds the study.
  3. Fuckin' Mitch! Trolling the Mexicans with his "freeze" shit.
  4. Rising 3 stars, recently started playing football. Rey Kong (Empire HS; NYC) Crazy upper body strength. Abbigot Zilla (Cinese Central HS; San Fran) Big body, plays on fire.
  5. eleventy billion to tree
  6. 9-3 Depth is our biggest problem. Trend is up. Hook'em!!
  7. Leaning hard into CR. Where is McCarthy's leadership on this issue? Congress can step up at any time. https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/politics/2023/06/06/mccarthy--push-for-supplemental-ukraine-aid--not-going-anywhere-
  8. These motherfuckers better roll in blasting this at 11 or they can kiss my hairy ass!
  9. Don't know 'bout you pardner, but i'm counting on it
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