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Saint Austin

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Everything posted by Saint Austin

  1. I never said the South didn't fire the first shot. The difference is that the South was trying to conquer a single fort smack dab in the middle of Charleston Harbor, as opposed to the North that wanted to conquer, well, everything.
  2. Ah yes, the famous Anglo-French invasion of Poland...
  3. You're still referring to the causes for secession and the war as if they're interchangeable; they're not.
  4. It was definitely about power. But that also swings both ways. If the federal government allowed the South to go away peacefully, it would lose an immense amount of power, geographically, politically, and economically. The North's motivations for war laid in those reasons, as well as the more intangible "preservation of the Union," and not for the reason of abolition.
  5. This isn't Lost Cause bullshit. I'm not denying the first round of secession was primarily because of slavery. We've all read the ordinances of secession. My reference of the soldiers' motivations for fighting had more to do with the argument that Confederate soldiers fought to maintain slavery, and it's just as simple as that.
  6. So when Virginia voted not to secede before Lincoln's call for volunteers, and then switched its vote to secede after Lincoln's call to put down the rebellion by force, that was about slavery?
  7. Initially, yes. But after Lincoln's call for volunteers that drove the Upper South out of the Union, it become more about a perceived abuse of executive power.
  8. You are confusing the reasons for secession and the reasons for war. However, it's interesting that you reference the Crittenden Compromise and Corwin Amendment. While Lincoln did oppose the Crittenden Compromise, he approved of the Corwin Amendment. In fact, in his first inaugural he stated: If anything, Lincoln's approval of the Corwin Amendment and the seceded states' decisions to remain out of the Union only furthers the argument that the war was more about Southern independence than slavery.
  9. And what battles were raging when Stephens delivered his Cornerstone Speech? Also, the reasons for secession are not the same as the reasons for the war or soldiers' motivations for fighting.
  10. All of y'all saying that the war was about slavery might be interested to hear what Lincoln had to say.
  11. Alright. On the merits then, if the Anglicizing of Jesus is a perpetuation of white supremacy, is the continued use of English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese in Latin America and Africa a micro-aggression as well? But yeah, I'm the one whining, not the person calling for the removal of religious art that is hundreds of years old.
  12. Cool. The Renaissance is now canceled.
  13. But St. Augustine of Canterbury is from... you know what... doesn't even matter anymore.
  14. "And that was the last time Youth Pastor Tim was allowed to design the church league uniforms for Christ United Methodist."
  15. It’s always been more puzzling to me that the song is to the tune of “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.” That is some masochistic shit if there ever was.
  16. Wear these one game a year, but "The Eyes" stays, and you've got yourself a motherfucking deal.
  17. This will happen here, too, book it, and possibly as a compromise to keep "The Eyes." I love our burnt orange, but for people wanting to start a "new tradition," this might not be a horrible way to show support for our black players and community, and a lot of the players would love it. Hell, even places like Notre Dame wears alternate unis once a year. Might as well use this as a reason to embrace the idea.
  18. I didn’t think it was bad. It didn’t meet expectations, but I’d watch season 2.
  19. George likes 4 Non Blondes, because of course he does.
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