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Everything posted by NBMisha

  1. Bruin, welcome to the get offa my lawn age. Even greater wisdom cometh.
  2. I had voted McGovern in 72, being 18 yr old draft eligible freshman. 4 years later I was a new grad and Carter was proposing the windfall profits tax. Thus I started voting my pocketbook. This generally became voting my personal contentment for several decades until the second gulf war. That was a Bush issue rather than a party issue. After than began the slow conversion of the pub party by the tea party and other "populist" movements, which closed the door for me. I don't contest the moral high ground stance of the dems, but would remind you it is the pubs who say Trump is God's choice.
  3. Goddam, OB, we were on opposite sides that election!
  4. JFC. Now that anything is possible, we have to seriously entertain notions like this.
  5. GR - folks have been saying there won't be SS "for me" my whole life. 65 this year, and it's still here, and whatever the arithmetic looks like, it will be here, so sayeth the empirical data.
  6. Real frito pie was at the Kangaroo stand across from junior high (it had been the HS in the 50's). Cut one of the long sides of the bag open and dump the chili in, top with onions. 15c. When my dad would sing the "One Meatball" song, I would always think I would not do the one meatball for 15 cents, I'd be very content with the frito pie.
  7. The that's from birth. If you make it to 65 life expectancy is around 85. So that's a considerable future.
  8. How much worse could it be? I'll go with Hpslugga's summary. My gut says hell no, but a tiny bit of thought suggests the idea is not bad. Unless one is a pub hegemonist.
  9. Long strange trip for SG these last 4-5 years. We thank him for his service.
  10. Drump learning this is what investigations look like.
  11. I saw god at the club dining room last night, he was hosting a big table. Seemed to be having an all right time. I think he was having a manhatten for openers.
  12. y Your mom? Did I do that right?
  13. Born and raised there, KHS 72 holla. I agree with your assessment.
  14. I Got You Babe playing on the plastic clock radio....
  15. I don't at all dismiss that thereis useful discussion to be had around what is or isn't hate speech. And that was my point about the poor analogy. There are no useful discussions to be had about the persistence of gravitational effects.
  16. That cartoon posits a stupid analogy. We choose the rules we live by. We don't choose the universe we live in.
  17. Right. Like never forgetting the WI, MI, PA lesson, we should never forget the general capacity of the American voter to make a horrible choice. It's a real tradition. Except there is no country song about it.
  18. One of my all time favorite tunes.
  19. Parents who are the age of boomers at this time, at least within this society, get anxious when they see their well provided for and well educated grown kids struggling, versus the assumed "right" schedule we hold in our heads based on our own lived experience. I now wish I had not been so susceptible to this emotional pull. With one, hard working, smart, just sort of unlucky kid, I have meaningful sized loans that will not likely be paid back in my lifetime, and a subsidized rent situation in a house I own that I can't see how and when I can get them out of there - and still have an intact family life. I could have a yuge boat had I not been such a gullible dad. Its a boomer thing that I'm in this situation.
  20. One more for the whose side are they on argument. Jesus.
  21. Trump jerking off the flag is an accurate enough meme.
  22. Non snarky question: what is the woke view on reparations? Just who is a legally qualifying representative of which injured group?
  23. The problem with DLR is that he became moreso DLR.
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