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Everything posted by NBMisha

  1. Depravity = things working just fine, thank you very much (assume southern senatorial drawl)
  2. Right. No one is immune to fallibility. But what were the conditions that led this group to suspend disbelief? One possibility is that they just weren't expecting it from this "special" woman. No, they are supposed to expect shit, regardless. The bigger the $, the higher the antenna. Perhaps it is just not expecting them to act the fool Perhaps we should know better about distiguised dudes like them.
  3. No one "needs" the Lexus. But I sure love it.
  4. We will be longing for the old Trump. Contemplate this, under the tree of woe.
  5. My old man used to say he wanted to be shot in the back, headed out the window, by a jealous husband. Alas, he did not get that end. I guess I'd prefer a drug induced cloud. Oblivion.
  6. Well, I think we can rule out restraint.
  7. He could rapidly become everyone's second choice, which leads to the nomination in a crowded field.
  8. Watched the HBO documentary yesterday. Very interesting display of human fallibilities. It is obvious to normal people that she is nuts. But to those deep into the cult of uber leadership (and not a little bit of wierd old guy shit), and ultimately star worship, it is just so easy to fall for. As the half beard psychologist says, if you convince yourself you are doing good, you can roll with any delusional lie. Well, not so far from standard corp bs. Believing your own bullshit. Hope she spends a few years in the clink. Orange turtleneck.
  9. If there are no more reasonable people, how can the standard of what a reasonable person would believe apply? That will be the Nunes argument: how many SC votes would today's court give for that: at least 4.
  10. One might say he approaches the policy issues like a negotiation: he's trying to find out where the agreement space is. The rationale is that there is point to establishing red lines and such outside of that space. It's unconventional for a politician, perhaps chicken shit and shallow, but it's rational.
  11. Only in that his comment, and your post of it, reveal the favor you and he bestow on the very thought.
  12. Yes, I fear this will be brutalizing to the Dem cause.
  13. Switching gears a bit, what kind of screwed up building code allows for a single door for a large mosque/church? Fire concerns alone should not allow this. I'd put this in the institutional lessons along with the gun control ideas. Of course, NZ not being the US and not having a 2nd ammendment cult, the discussion should be ok.
  14. And every town has a brewery and a golf course. They mudhole our ass.
  15. What is the likelly outcome of Fox NDA killing their reporters work on the sex payoffs? I mean, is there jeopardy for anyone in this?
  16. A very bad racket, I'm all for their asses being busted. And, everyone has a strong cheater detection circuit thus broad interest in this story. But, a few dozen people exchanging places within the elite pipeline strikes me as a bit of a diversion. As bad as this was, solving it will not make a dent on the overall society. Making a broadly better educated population will have an enormous benefit.
  17. She does pass a bit for either Philip or Charles
  18. Wurstfest. His mistaken puns are occasionally evil genius.
  19. Too much forgetting up in here. Here we are forgetting the Obama election aftermath: the insane mobilization of hate, and it's effective outcome. Of course, the pubs are forgetters, too, like in the great recession and its causes.
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