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Ten Bears

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ten Bears

  1. Remind me to never piss ol' Penny off. Wow.
  2. One of my best memories of my UT days was spending a day taking acid at Hamilton's pool, wandering around the Capitol at midnight and then playing hacky sack in the Jester 14th floor elevator lobby until daylight. The Capitol never looked cooler.
  3. The article says it is only the females that do it. There were two cases where the females were eating bird brains while having sex. Kinky.
  4. One night when I was seventeen, I drank a fifth of vodka, on an empty stomach, then drove over to a friend's house. And I backed my car between his parent's Cadillac's without a scratch. Then crawled to the back door and slithered threw the key hole, and sneaked up the stairs and puked in the toilet. I passed out and nearly drowned but his sister, DD, pulled me out.
  5. I used to want to beat the crap out of Louie. I still do, but I used to too.
  6. Jesus fuckin christ aggie08 already admitted he just didn't read far enough down to see the recording. He is one of the good guys despite his bad taste in universities.
  7. But they are so tasty. I would rather eat a doe any day. Screwworms decimated the WTD populations in the 50s. Way more than over-hunting pressure but there was plenty of that too.
  8. https://communityimpact.com/austin/georgetown/election/2020/12/30/williamson-county-sheriff-robert-chody-files-lawsuit-against-sheriff-elect-mike-gleason-contesting-election-results/ Take the loss pussy.
  9. I would pay to watch the adventures of Tex and Tammi. And especially Bette.
  10. I have often wondered what this French armadillo is trying to tell me.
  11. Tea guy can take a lot of shit but don't dare try to kick his tea or you will fuck around and find out.
  12. What a horrible way to lose a parent. I am so sorry Bolverk.
  13. Why do the kids look like they are in a hostage video? Someone check the video to see if they are blinking SOS.
  14. Tom Green County blowing up. That's just great as my 82 year old dad is going to a wedding there today. At least it is outside.
  15. Looks that way. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/nashville-bombing-person-of-interest-identified/?ftag=CNM-00-10aab7e&linkId=107932060
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