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Ten Bears

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ten Bears

  1. Ten Bears

    RIP Jerry Jeff

    Man Todd's been through some shit over the last year. His dog, Cowboy Jim, Neal Casal his guitar player, his mentors, heroes and best friends Prine and JJW all dead. He looked pretty defeated at the end of the tribute. Thought it was cool Elizabeth Cook was with him.
  2. Ten Bears

    RIP Jerry Jeff

    Watched this, drunk on Maker's, last night. Had a good 2 hour allergy attack.
  3. Lmao this genius recorded their surveillance? Stringer Bell shakes head.
  4. Noise Reduction On/Off lulz
  5. I always thought Infidels was grossly underrated. Probably my favorite Dylan album. Mark Knopfler, Mick Taylor, Sly Dunbar and Robbie Shakespeare... pretty nice backing band.
  6. If AC/DC actually wrote Great Balls we would all be freaking out about how good it is. I kinda am and they didn't.
  7. Digging this tonight from 2008. They open with Goodbye Daughter's of the Revolution. Man I totally missed out on that one though the years. Not anymore.
  8. Anyone watching Snider's Sunday Church from The Purple Building? So, so good.
  9. This was so awesome. http://twitter.com/WolfVanHalen/status/1186737250203127809/photo/1
  10. I first heard it in Jimmy Durst's 71 Chevy pickup through... yep a Pioneer Supertuner and Jensens speakers.
  11. Also, dude, eskimo is not the preferred nomenclature. Inuit, please.
  12. https://www.prekindle.com/event/76997-live-stream-from-dans-silver-leaf-slobberbone-denton?fbclid=IwAR2RlA5PErNMUKHA2gDrcfR_BSkXVa0u4PwU9kPIIKdTTkdOPvT7QDtuBps Slobberbone doing a web show. $10 This won't suck.
  13. I was at that show. The crowd by the bar wouldn't shut the fuck up. Every show I have seen there it is the same thing.
  14. Yikes. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/investigations/article/covid-death-toll-houston-tx-texas-higher-data-15478269.php
  15. Old small town high school acquaintance of mine died from it last week. But not before parading around town without a mask while knowing he was positive. He had to hit up the bar, Walmart, his daughter's wedding and fuck knows where else.
  16. Wait, what? @Armybrat used to spew that nonsense? I hardly was ever on the politics board way back when things were somewhat normal.
  17. 13 years old I had a horse kick me square in the chest. I woke up with a 1" tall horseshoe shaped knot on my chest and my dad (whom I have seen cry twice) freaking out with tears streaming down his face. He said I was out for over a minute with no pulse, no breathing and my eyes rolled back in my head. Same age I took my grandmother's old Chevy Belaire out on a caliche road and jumped this hill, Dukes of Hazzard style, going about 60 mph. I flew 3 or 4 feet in the air and as I landed squarely in the center of this one lane road with 2 foot bar ditches I thought, "Well this wasn't so bad." . Then I bounced back up into the air while the car turned 90 degrees to the road and landed again and power-slid for what seemed forever. You may not be able to tell from these stories but I grew up on a ranch in the middle of no where.
  18. That could go in the holy shit thread. Holy shit. Dude didn't even flinch.
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