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Jacob McCandles

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Everything posted by Jacob McCandles

  1. Just Googled all of the names from the sign. Powerful stuff. The Sooner/retired military/head of security at Morgan Stanley is credited with saving 2600+ lives by ignoring the Port Authority's direction to stay at your desks in Tower 2 and Building 5 (after Tower 1 was hit). He had actually gamed out the scenario. RIP to all of the heroes and victims from that day.
  2. Based on the change in background, I am thinking black unis ... Whatever. Just win.
  3. Other than Mitchell leaving the field prior to The Eyes last season during one game, I am not aware of other complaints/concerns/whatever being raised about the song in the 50 years since Texas had an integrated football team (no time to look up when other sports integrated, but presume about the same time); if anyone knows of other instances, I'd like to hear them. To me, the lack of prior "protests" is some evidence that the song has evolved. Statements from former players, like the one from Brian Jones, are another. Nevertheless, I agree that the side wanting The Eyes gone will never agree with me (and perhaps others) that there is a difference between the song and the delivery, or that the meaning/connotation/purpose of the song might have evolved over the past 117 years.
  4. I know. I was responding to a poster who asked if "“The Eyes” was exclusively a minstrel/black faced Cowboys application for an extended period of time". It was not, as the song pre-dates the organization by 20 years. As best as I can tell, the facts got blurred when the professor filmed part of his "history of racism at UT" video at the Cowboy Pavilion at the Alumni Center, and noted that the Cowboys organized minstrel shows and The Eyes was first performed at a minstrel show. Perhaps he did not bother to check the actual timeline or ignored the actual timeline in order to help his cause (i.e. it is much easier to garner support by pointing at an organization with a history of suspensions vs. "the Varsity Minstrel Show", which likely has been defunct for 80 years). Once the professor's video hit social media, it ran like wildfire and became "true." That one inaccuracy in the timeline changed the narrative to make it one of modern-day, institutional racism (i.e. The Eyes was first performed at the Cowboy Minstrel Show, which included performers in black-face as late as the 1960's, continued into at least the mid 1980's, and was organized by a University-sponsored spirit organization in existence until 2019). Do I think The Eyes is racist? No. Based on my review of the facts, I believe the song was written by students to poke fun at the University president at the time. Like students of all generations, they used then-relevant music and forums to deliver the parody. The delivery does not make the song racist; it makes the delivery racist. If Waylon and Willie sang Luckenbach in black-face, it wouldn't make the song racist; but they'd be cancelled (as the kids say), although Kimmel, Fallon, Behar, Stern, and others have been pardoned, so who knows. I am all for condemning the original delivery. Put a message on the University's Web page about Texas Traditions condemning the delivery and providing links to organizations committed to ending racism. But also announce to everyone that, as others have mentioned, setting aside any debate as to its origins, The Eyes at some point organically morphed into a song/ceremony that serves to unite every graduate and fan of The University of Texas at any sporting event or University program/gathering.
  5. The Eyes was written/first performed in 1903. The Cowboys began in 1922. So, The Eyes was performed for at least 19 years before being performed by The Cowboys or at a Cowboys' minstrel show. It is interesting to me that so much of the debate is focused on who might have done what, or what was the intent of college students, more than 117 years ago, with the most cited "evidence" being an Alcalde article published approximately 80 years after the fact. Ultimately, nothing can (or will) ever be proven as an historical fact one way or the other, which means neither side of the argument is likely to budge.
  6. One of the attorneys, perhaps the lead, is UT undergrad; UT law. She is, nevertheless, unpleasant to be around. Sent from my SM-T510 using Tapatalk
  7. He was involved in the Asst GM/Osuna/SI reporter stuff at the end of the 2019 ALCS, and some negative tweets from AB about him have resurfaced since he was arrested.
  8. When the brothers were walking out of the Salamanca vault with the cash, someone's half face and cell phone are seen and that person says something like "i've got something for you". Someone on the Salamanca crew appears to be a traitor and probably tipped some other crew off as to the cash and Saul. Kim's ill-advised meeting with Lalo is going to lead to her leaving voluntarily or getting erased. (Hopefully) Saul losing his car leads to him using the $100,000 fee to buy a Caddy and a personalize plate ...
  9. Some of both. She can't walk away, even though she knows it is the right thing to do. So if she is going to stay, she is willing to get hitched in order to be protected from testifying against him.
  10. My prediction is that it is Kim being Kim. Marrying Jimmy means spousal privilege prevents her from testifying against Jimmy in any legal proceedings arising from his shenanigans.
  11. he grew up in DFW, which explains a lot
  12. I thought it was more Columbus/Sealy area, but I remember it well. I slept thru the one last night.
  13. Snitches get 108 red Stitches
  14. George ain't resigning here w/o AJ
  15. Aren't there stories of the scoreboard clock at the Dome changing the separator between hours and minutes depending on fastball or off-speed? If the clock operator saw fastball = 8▪️15 If the clock operator saw off-speed = 8:15
  16. I think that is the ALDS roster, subject to Peacock getting healthy or Abreu getting hot. I think they will drop a position player in favor or another P when they get to ALCS
  17. name is appropriate and i'm going straight to hell for laughing at it.
  18. How about a 4p sub-varsity game in Brenham on a Thursday ...
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