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Frieda’s Boss

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Everything posted by Frieda’s Boss

  1. Home from my radical prostatectomy via Da Vinci robotic surgery. Long day. Glad to have the surgery behind me. Surgeon said it went really well and the nerves were clean and able preserve a great deal. So very happy about that. Sore right now and full of air (as usual…), so that’s uncomfortable. This catheter is gonna be a problem… Thanks all for your support and willingness to share your experiences. Although I’m on the other side of this Sugar Bowl matchup (I think I found Hornfans prior to 2001 Holiday Bowl, made the various jumps and make the Surl a regular stop, although I don’t post much) this community is amazing.
  2. No updates in a while so thought I’d check in to see how everyone is doing. We had a lot of encouraging updates the last round so hoping to read more of the same. My surgery is scheduled for Monday, so prep starts tomorrow.
  3. Seriously. Danielson is gonna need therapy if Bama holds on here
  4. Has Kiffin’s name been brought up here? His Egg Bowl post game gave me vibes that he’s gonzo.
  5. Yes. But he is not good. And he’s soft. I thought the comps were Josh Allen? 😂
  6. This is consistent with what first surgeon I met with told me. Low dose of viagra for a year to help get things to normal. Anyone have Da Vinci single port (SP) robotic surgery? First surgeon said that’s all he does now. Second surgeon said it was complicated and stayed with multi-port XI system. First MDs recovery times, and complication rates were impressive (if accurate).
  7. Glad to hear that. How are you feeling otherwise? Woohorn - let us know how you’re doing.
  8. Same. Let us know how you’re doing Hate.
  9. I actually caught some of this today on TV and was reminded that I like Batman Begins more (perhaps significantly so) than TDK. I know I’m in the minority on that for sure, but it struck me while I was watching that I wouldn’t have stopped to watch if I saw that TDK was on instead.
  10. Hate - Praying for you right now. You got this.
  11. Add another to the prostate cancer list…. Confirmed with urologist today. 48yo and my PSA spiked to 5. Ultrasound guided biopsy (not fun) and 7 of the 12 cores came back positive. Most with a Gleason score of 6, two with a Gleason score of 7 (4+3). So, much like others here, need to figure out surgery vs. RT. Strong preference right now is no RT and we did order Decipher test to gain more info. I have a friend at work who used to work for Decipher so I’m going to pick his brain for best docs around (SoCal). I have an appt scheduled in a couple of weeks with the surgeon my urologist recommended from his group, but I know there are going to be a lot of good options in the area. I was pretty much resigned to the fact that this would be the diagnosis, but my wife was in denial so she had a pretty tough reaction this evening. As I’m reading you all share your stories here, please know that I’m putting you and your families in my prayers.
  12. Charles out. Volk in versus Mackhachev. Bummer for Charles, but I’m down to see either one of those matchups. Costa out as well?
  13. I saw him in a OneFC fight a few months back. He actually won.
  14. You don’t. Unless you’re trying to manufacture a result. The one judge had it 3-1 Valentina heading into the 5th. Then he gave Grasso a 10-8 in the 5th to get to 47-47. I agree that a draw made a ton of sense. But you can’t do that to make it happen.
  15. Agreed. I don’t know how anyone kept it together during Genevieve Telford Warren’s time on the stand.
  16. I would think Utah is at least one of the alphas of the new Big 12.
  17. If you describe yourself as a “serial entrepreneur” If you think I give an ounce of care about your fantasy football team the aforementioned people who can’t return a shopping cart People who park their cart in the middle of the aisle at Costco to get a free lunch from the sample cart
  18. You think the UC Davis Aggies are just playing intramurals brutha?!?!
  19. About five episodes in and liking this. The “influencer” testimony was killing me. And I don’t know why, but I lost it with “Pacific Rim Uprising”. no way Ronald isn’t in on it as well.
  20. UW “insider” put up the same thing this morning. Shoot, now that I’m thinking about it, that could be the “source” of this tweet. But it’s probably close and definitely reasonable given Kliavkoff’s unwillingness to put anything up.
  21. Pretty lackluster is probably the best I can give it. If I’m Marvel, the next best chance I get, is explain how super Giah found the Skrulls a new planet and they’ve all relocated and she will be the defender of that new planet. Then we never hear about them again. The only thing I’d take away from this is Olivia Coleman’s character. I don’t know how they use her (maybe against Val?), but she’s the best actor in the MCU and that character has promise.
  22. Yep. I liked Justin’s response: “I don’t fight people on steroids”. watching Poirier and Gaethje was fun - like both of this guys but definitely found myself wanting Justin to win. Awesome head kick KO. pereira survived, which I give him a lot of credit for, but couldn’t stop a flat out gassed Jan. Would have expected him to. Beast is always fun. Glad he got a convincing W. watching current Ferguson is sad. UFC needs to stop booking him. Unfortunately, we’ll hear about him fighting I. Some janky promotion getting beat by journeymen.
  23. I’m glad you mentioned this, because I was going to say of course this guy makes sense, his ‘what I’m hearing’ is probably what he read here from you… Your animosity toward Oregon is clear, but how do you feel about adding UW and Stanford? Now you really capture the west coast, academics/research claims of the Big are actually met, two tech hubs with a lot of Big alums, etc.? Inevitably the Big will eventually want “Big 10 After Dark” and without more west coast representation, are you going to be happy with all USC home games being 7:30pm kickoffs?
  24. I’m sorry, but this is the thing that I absolutely hate about the direction CFB went in. 10 teams is perfect for a 9 game conference schedule. What’s the point of being in the same league if you don’t play each other? I know I’m old guy yelling at clouds about this, but it’s really not that hard (TWSS).
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