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tantric superman

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Everything posted by tantric superman

  1. All that driving. Can't be good for climate change. It's a conundrum.
  2. Former CNN host Soledad O'Brien has described Cillizza's work as facile.[27]
  3. The job of media should be to uncover truth, not shine a light on lies. The problem is that in order to do you job as media by shining light on lies, you'd have to immediately take the interview, and edit it in such a way that a half hour interview becomes a four hour 60 minutes style piece where you play the lie, and then stop and report on how it's a lie. Which actually shines the light on the bigger crime, which is how cable news destroyed actually decent tv journalism and replaced it with the talking head opiniony nonsense we have now on the main cable networks.
  4. Loather seems kinda like he sucks, maybe.
  5. This sounds like a good time for me to thank you for your (CR) service.
  6. I'm having second thoughts about posting a picture of my HoneyBaked ham on twitter.
  7. My dad was at SMU when Chuck Hixon and Jerry LeVias were playing under Hayden Fry. Was not easy for LeVias.
  8. At the local Pizzaria off of Mockingbird...
  9. Day for Night (1973). Truffaut's movie about making movies. I think I liked the idea of the flick more than each minute of the flick, but it was interesting. And Jackie Bisset.
  10. Dude's probably trying to toughen himself up for the Movies and TV forum.
  11. The worst kind of cad is the one who thinks he’s really a sensitive guy deep down. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/11/movies/love-actually-review.html
  12. Okay, agree with the sentiment that people shouldn't feel guilty about liking cinematic pixie sticks, but don't compare a solid, and very funny, period piece like Sense and Sensibility with the likes of this.
  13. I want Mark Wahlburg from the final scene in the Departed to visit all these motherfuckers a few months from now. To give them a stern talking to.
  14. Ha ha... Fight you? Please, a house mom who likes Hallmark movies could kick your ass.
  15. What kind of sorry asshole would give you a hard time for liking a Christmas movie?
  16. (I don't fault you lot for tolerating this flick if you are forced to watch it out of Christmas obligation, but actually picking it? I need to go watch Prancer and One Magic Christmas and all the Bridget Jones' sequels to get the taste of this thread out of my mouth....)
  17. It's cloying and awful - I'm embarrassed for many of the good actors in this thing and thank god my wife and kids never took to it (although if they stumble upon it they will watch.) How you guys can stand this load of crap more than the one time you were forced to watch it is beyond me. (For what it's worth, I adore "You Can Count On Me" Laura Linney. But that flick was perfect.)
  18. I guess I want to believe. But I'm not going to make myself believe.
  19. I worked there as a student back in college. At one point, I had to drive Edward Teller ("Father of the Hydrogen Bomb") to San Francisco for a speaking engagement. Dude scared me. Mostly because he was pretty damn old. Took a couple of pisses next to Milton Friedman. I took some mail to Admiral Stockdale one day, and he was sort of sitting quietly in his chair, staring out the window. He was very nice man. Conservatives were smart, kind of funny and they did a better job of hiding the evil back then, contras notwithstanding.
  20. Trying to find that delicious steak, glazed carrots and potato surprise that whatshisname made famous a while back on these pages. Anyway, that picture here.
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