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Victor Lazlo

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Victor Lazlo

  1. Holy shit, aggy trying to choke it all away
  2. You should be able to listen on your phone right here: https://texassports.com/sports/2014/11/19/GEN_1119144623.aspx
  3. Holy shit. (Pun intended) Just based on that photo, the glorious possibilities are limitless. Im definitely in.
  4. Oh, yes, he most assuredly does.
  5. Repped for pertinent information, brevity, and a level head. Good luck in your studies, young man.
  6. Yeah, just saying, that old fart would have stuck it up our ass and made us pay on that last series in the old days.
  7. Well, purple kryptonite seems to have lost it's power.
  8. No shit. ^^^ Thought we would never shake them.
  9. Pop out bunt. Sucks, but I applaud the M’s for trying to just get a win.
  10. Yes! And if Seattle wins, the Astros don’t give a fuck what time the first pitch is. Ha ha ha.
  11. Going to be a late night party in the hotel tonight if Seattle gets this run home. Shit, didnt realize MLB switched off of the game
  12. Well, congrats to you. You are 42 and still an asshole. Most people grow out of that phase by that age. Blink your eyes and before you know it, you are 62 and you have 42 year old “bad asses” blocking your view because nobody tells them what to do - because they are in “decent shape”.
  13. And with our All Star shortstop doing dick at the plate the second half of the season. If Correa can somehow get right, we can be world beaters again. I’ll take his defense at SS and whatever he can provide on offense, and still like our chances.
  14. Pretty good call, 10 days ago. 6-5 A’s bottom 3 right now. It could be all over tonight. They have a wild one going in Seattle.
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