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Victor Lazlo

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Victor Lazlo

  1. Currently accepting apologies from the pussies that wanted to give up and roll over 2 weeks ago.
  2. I was a “drunken frat boy” back in the day, I’d like to think that I’ve matured in the ensuing 40 years. I don’t see how that is a disqualifier. Should all of the GDI’s be disqualified because they were “hippie dope smokers” back then? I don’t think so. This Supreme Court thing seems especially stupid to me. I’m glad I’m not up for a Supreme Court justice position I absolutely tried to cop a feel on a gal that wasn’t necessarily into it back in 1976. She pushed my hand away and we left it at that. I never would have imagined that could have disqualified me from any kind of a job 40 years in the future. Obviously times have changed. It is still stupid
  3. Buj, or whatever his nickname is, will undoubtedly get better over time. However, I smell a disaster coming if the blocking doesn’t improve quickly. USC figured it out late and started coming for his roll right rugby punt, and damned near got there.
  4. Urban is a fucking asshole for try to throw Herman under the bus like that. But that isn’t exactly breaking news, is it. I hope those cocksuckers crash and burn, someway, somehow.
  5. C Johnson actually made an effective downfield block.
  6. As much as I like and appreciate Hinch’s body of work, this wasn’t his finest hour. Rondon pitching more than an inning, and ending up with Marwin playing center and JD Davis left, in late innings, in an important game in a close pennant race, well, that’s just mind bottling to me. Granted, the damaging hits against Rondon were kind of bleeders, but he never pitches, sits down, and comes out for another inning. With the expanded roster, Hinch had numerous options. It appeared to me that he was trying to be a little too cute with managing the bullpen for the following games, when he needed to be worrying more about winning the current game. I guess he thought Rondon could be extended tonight. Just an odd choice, based on the way Hinch usually manages a game.
  7. Besides the JFF miracle win, I can’t recall another time that they “almost beat bama “ But, yeah, this loss was probably their #2 all time SEC achievement. And the roller coaster keeps ascending.
  8. Ha ha. Hinch said he texted the guys last night that Altuve was going to lead off. Altuve texted that he was going to swing at the first pitch. So all of the guys were watching to see what happened. And, boom. Awesome.
  9. Yeah, I’ve already heard from my aggy friend about it. I’m sure it has to do with the way they are classifying the Kroger pledges as income. But I’ll defer to Randy’s voluminous knowledge on this one, and can’t wait to see the diatribe.
  10. Fuck you too, North Loop. Yeah, I believe we are going to beat SC. They got nothing. Stanford beat them tonight. We are going to win. Sam damned neat beat them at their place last year.
  11. Fuck you too BurntEyes. Neither a troll nor delusional. We are going to win. Bunch of God Damn loser quitters around here. Come apologize to me after we beat SC and all will be forgotten.
  12. Fuck you and your limp-wristed bullshit. We are going to win.
  13. I’m already seeing aggys crowing about how they “are back” After a loss. Roller coaster keep on clickety clacking.
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