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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NameAlreadyInUse

  1. Just seeing this. What is an oligarh?
  2. And if it did, it wasn't illegal! And if it wasn't, we didn't know it! And if we knew it, the Supreme Court will protect us!
  3. I had never heard this particular one talk and it turns out she's just as vapid as her sister. Also, don't play 11 year old club music that didn't age well to a group of gays. They'll revolt, unless they are a bunch of morons. Judging by the sound of the crowd, I guess she found herself a bunch of morons.
  4. yeah their buy in is what proves they are morons, man.
  5. WTF, why is he upset about not getting credit for doing shit that he's supposed to be doing??? This guy is a moron, and people that support him are morons.
  6. I see them sitting in a room not social distancing and not wearing masks in henry's vid. I think they are finally embracing science and can be trusted again! Nah. I'm going to keep appreciating what they are doing on this campaign and keeping my dollars away from them.
  7. And this is why I decided not to do mail in. I'm not going to put myself in a situation where my vote doesn't count. Not this year, not when I want my vote against those motherfucking Republicans counted.
  8. It's crazy to me that rather than examining their life choices and simply switching to a strategy of telling the truth, they instead want to use government force to require private property owners to allow others to lie on their property. They might have had some sort of argument if they would've allowed the internet to continue to be considered a public utility, but they got rid of that. So, their only semi-coherent argument for bringing in government force is that it's the public square and free speech trumps all has already been 86'ed.
  9. Huh. I had no idea that the job description of University Presidents included being rape apologists. Keep fucking that chicken TTom.
  10. Lol (R) Candidate for Senate - "I'm not a, uh, a politician" Hopefully Michiganders can keep it that way.
  11. This is what every single one of them are going to be saying, at least about the deficit, as soon as Dems are in charge. "Yeah Trump decimated our budget, and I was against it then just as I'm against it now, Dems! You don't get to spend the people's money that you don't have, just like we didn't get to spend it when Trump was in charge, that was all just Trump, we had nothing to do with it!" Lying sacks of shit, every one of them.
  12. Umm no. Us coco gobblers generally have more morals than current day Republicans. Leave us out of this please. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I voted this morning at South Park meadows. I was 4th in line after getting my ballot but that was the only line there at 11 this morning. Bonus bright spot for me; the lady that printed my ballot was wearing a rainbow mask! Felt fucking good to go through and pick Dems this time! I’ve also taken the afternoon of Nov 3 off and Nov 4 all day. I figure there is going to be some major drinking going on November 3rd whichever way the vote goes. Going to be a struggle to stay patient until it gets here. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. There's a sacred sperm joke in here somewhere. I'm off my game because I'm going to have to rely on someone else to make it.
  15. Wait, all you idiots are driving all the way up to Georgetown to fuck South Austin's mom?
  16. Dude Texas Democrats suck, they don't have a bench, they don't know how to build a bench, they don't even know how to ask people if they'd like to be on the bench, such as it is. Why would you think they would have some sort of a plan for putting the best possible options on the ticket at each of the roles in their sphere of influence? Yeah it ought to be just playing his commercials in the background with fact checks on voiceover with markup on the screen. Cornyn is straight up saying he'll do exactly the opposite of what he's done so far and what he'll actually do. This makes them good ads because it's what people want, but it makes them terrible ads because they are fucking lies. This should be the focus. Don't understand why they aren't going down this path. I am still enthusiastically voting for MJ though.
  17. Come to my hood in south central Austin where that is a glorious reality. I printed out my ballot today so I could go through and figure out what races I needed to study up on. To read more about the more local/non-partisan races I will turn to a variety of resources. One of those is the Austin Chronicle's endorsements. I don't always follow their endorsements, but they do a fair job of at least explaining a thought process for their picks, something the Stonewall Democrats of Austin fails at. In any case, I thought their write up about this endorsement period was pretty spot on.
  18. It's just like everything else. If Republicans say they are for x, you can bet that their policies actually are against x. X can be whatever you want it to be.
  19. What in the fuck am I looking at?
  20. Oh look Ttom is back! He even still has shitty takes. Let’s hope he sticks around to explain himself.
  21. He’s sending me 3 emails a day desperately asking for more. Hopefully there’s a group working as hard on changing minds in his campaign as they are fundraising. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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