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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NameAlreadyInUse

  1. haha also, csb, my first dog was named Buttons. He didn't get strangled though. He was a badass.
  2. Yeah didn’t address that. I skim his posts and don’t ask him to go vote. That’s my strategy.
  3. I will never understand why y’all implore wulaw to go show up at the polls and cancel out your vote. You do you but I’m not saying shit to anyone I’m not 100% sure is voting the same as me til after it’s too late for them to vote. Wait til next Wednesday to give him shit, but shut the fuck up about it til then.
  4. can't hit that guy on the chin though. All this talk of picking the top 3 punchable faces is reminding me of the time I tried to create a list of my top 100 songs and I never got the list narrowed down to less than 200.
  5. Well you are talking about 2 separate things. There is this thing called Chili. Chili does not have beans. Ever. Then there is this other thing called Chili with Beans. Chili with Beans has beans in it. When given a choice, the superior choice between the two dishes is Chili. Chili does not have beans. Ever.
  6. That new add about fathers and sons they just put out is probably the best political ad I've seen. I have to give them credit, they are not holding back.Men
  7. Thatguy spitting truth on this thread. It's a shitty truth, and I'm sorry it's the truth, but it's the truth.
  8. Wouldn't have pegged you for Surly 1%. Also, I'm sorry you are required to live in Amarillo.
  9. I didn't cut the cord, but that is also the only Beaker I know. My cable news exposure level is the same as yours though so maybe I'm not an expert either.
  10. Hmm, maybe I should be looking at a career change.
  11. hey thanks everyone for throwing in your thoughts on that. My whole family seems to be over it. My dad got it, and even though he got sick enough for a few days that he didn't care if he lived or died, as long as it was finished, the fact that he eventually recovered seems to have sounded the all clear for my family to basically decide that the all clear whistle has sounded. Between that and the election where, once again my family is all in on Republicanism, and even my liberal sister is thinking about Trump now because her husband works in oil, and yeah, it's almost like when I was in the closet and was not allowed to get shit out and act like myself around my loved ones. It's been a shitty year, but it's gotten worse with my one familial ally seemingly on the brink of going red, and no one in my family taking this seriously anymore. Also, I can not fucking wait to go hang out at an actual bar again. I don't have kids so my desires are more selfish than y'alls, gotta admit, but I miss eating out, traveling, bars and live music. Turns out those are my 4 favorite things to do in life. Not sure I knew that before this shitshow started.
  12. if this is him NOT falling for it, I wonder what falling for it would look like. Penis clearly visible?
  13. Funny thing is, if the Church and conservative politicians would've gotten on this train 15 years ago when we asked for it, chances are that's where we'd be today in the US, and the gays would for the most part be happy with it. Sure, you'd periodically hear from me and others that wow it sure would be nice if the state saw us a married instead of this separate but equal thing, but it was always about the rights more than it was the title. This is yet another instance where conservatives just can't learn their lesson. Sometimes it makes more sense to give a little in the short term to keep the pressure from overwhelming you. When you stand too staunchly in the way of progress, don't be surprised when you get steamrolled, and now you are forced to move towards the position you were absolutely against yesterday just in an effort to maintain any kind of relevance.
  14. Fuck you. Tennessee was in the process of giving us a back door into the national championship game. I was drunker than I've ever been at a game. And you are asking me to remember all of that. Negged with extreme prejudice.
  15. So my company has for the last several months been giving us weekly updates on our companies various offices, their status as to who can go into the office and who can't, and that has included a date of January 4, which is the earliest that anyone could be required to come back into the office. They just sent us an update, and our new date is July 15. I expect that tech companies in the PNW like Amazon and Microsoft have done something similar. That's more than a year of rent of office space that is basically not going to be used. Looks like the tech companies are starting to figure out that even if a vaccines was approved tomorrow, it's going to be a good long while before we start to get back to normal. I keep thinking it didn't have to be this way, and I have to say I'm pretty much frustrated and angry every time I allow myself to dwell on it. Can't wait for this story line to get completed.
  16. Problem for him is it's too fucking late. Tax cuts and already passed stimulus out front should've told you.
  17. I'm pretty sure one could make a pretty good living setting up grave pissing tours and selling them to Surly posters. Actually, forget I said anything, I just remembered this interesting business idea I had and I need to go set up an LLC.
  18. I don't think it was the tone, I think it was the lack of penis on Stahl.
  19. I took it to be more of a muzzle than a mask. He was wearing that muzzle because he believes that's the only way there will be no more bullshit coming out of his mouth. Which if I'm being honest is probably the #1 reason that Trump himself is so against masks. He sees it as a muzzle as well. And he likes the bullshit.
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