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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NameAlreadyInUse

  1. LOL Would love to hear those taunts. Was it higher brow or was it more like "tell my how my ass taste".
  2. This was a fantastic thread, that linked to another great thread, that linked to a great article. https://thebaffler.com/salvos/the-long-con I've been concerned about this for a good long while, and I think this is the first time I've started to see that there might be a path to overcome, as he puts it, the "multi-billion-dollar parallel reality machine." I'm intrigued.
  3. What do they have on this guy to get him to flip so completely? It can’t be the gay thing because 90% of people already believe that.
  4. It'd be a lot better if it was inside a dildo shop.
  5. They always have been....But you probably mean something different than they do. When you say activist judge, you are talking about having a desired outcome and twisting the law to fit their desired outcome. What they mean is a judge decided something in a way they disagree with.
  6. I have told both sets of family that we've already had to cancel a family visit to see the hubby's family this year due to COVID and it'd be a shame to have to cancel our Christmas visit as well, so they need to quarantine for 2 weeks before whatever day we show up as does anyone that would be there. None of my family is willing to do that, even though they are all officially retired, so looks like we won't be attending this year. I have told them that we're happy to celebrate Christmas with them after we've finished the vaccine regimen, and hopefully that will be in time for the QVC Christmas in July programming so we'll at least get to have some holiday spirit on the teevee when we are there. I have not told them that if we had real national/state leadership, this never would've gotten as out of control and therefore we could've had Christmas this year if they demanded competency of their leaders rather than just team affiliation. I'm saving that one for the next time they start bitching about us not showing up for Christmas.
  7. How many people are working there that a van full of food won't feed them all? You can fit a whole bunch of trays of food into a van. I'd wager enough to feed several hundred. And there were multiple vans. What qualifications does this woman possess that would allow her to be the definitive expert of how many trays of food could fit into a van anyway? Is she some sort of math wizard with an expert knowledge of the total cargo area of the types of vans that were being used there? And, does she have x-ray vision to know that there for sure wasn't food there, oh and if there wasn't food, what is she implying was in those vans? She never comes right out and says it, but she took the time to tell us twice she was there for 24 hours straight.
  8. I am not a Twitter user, but I find it hard to believe that the act of blocking would be irrevocable. Can’t you just unblock him and do it yourself?
  9. This one is funny because Patti LaBelle's son apparently got involved and made a video claiming to be Dan Purdy after that account got doxxed as being the burner account in question. His message was that everyone should leave Dean Browning alone. Yeah, that Patti LaBelle. Shit's cray.
  10. I have absolutely whipped my dick out while on a zoom call, but that was while the call was going on safely in another room and I needed to take a piss. Only thing you have to worry about in that situation is the mute button, though.
  11. I didn't talk about the Democrats. What's with the whataboutism here? I'm not asking anyone to suddenly become a democrat. I'm asking them to look at what they actually believe, and compare the actions of Republicans to their beliefs. The actions, not the words. Some people will discover that they are in the right place and others won't. Those who discover they are in the wrong place have all sorts of choices as to where to go instead, and only one of those choices is to switch to the Democrats. Also, I wasn't generalizing, I was giving my specific experience with specific members of my family. You and I have had good conversations in the past, but the knee jerking has to stop if this is going to be another one.
  12. Part of the reason I quit calling myself a Republican was because I determined this was a value important to me, and it was not important to Republicans. I've since discovered that the conservatives in my family simply don't believe this. For them, being conservative is more about preserving their place, and fuck everyone else. They don't care if kids are in cages, they got tax cuts. They don't care that their party's policies negatively affected their gay son both due to just general disdain for "the gay lifestyle" and also terrible immigration policies, they got tax cuts. They don't care if people are wholesale discriminated against because of the color of their skin, because the group that wants to encourage that gives them tax cuts. Now to be fair, he hasn't ever said it directly to me, but I have the impression that in the case of one of my family members that's more of a feature than a bug. He does care, because he wants white people in power, and he gets that as a bonus with his lower taxes. To them, the dollar bills are so much more important than any other issue that it completely drowns out their ability to even see anything else. Republicans can commit whatever atrocities they want to commit as long as taxes are low. That's all that matters.
  13. Which explains why they'd have autographed pictures of them with those guns that they are leaving with their tips to random waitstaff at area restaurants.
  14. Yeah I tried this back before facebook when email forwards were still a big thing. It does not work. I'd get the email, do the research, prove it was factually incorrect, reply to the email, point out the actual facts, with references. In the case of my mom, I changed exactly 0 of her unfounded opinions. She did quit sending me those emails though. They do not care whether they are factually correct. They only care that what they believe gives them the correct feeling. That feeling could be security, it could be righteous indignation, it could be whatever it is that that person values. But they value that feeling way more than they value being factually correct. I never figured out how to get past it and it's a thing that I have spent hours and hours trying to solve now. There is a solution, I know there is, I just haven't figured out what that solution is yet.
  15. Just seeing the tapa version I was wondering what the Black guy from The Office did to earn that response. Wrong Craig.
  16. Santorum is not a good guy. I have the battle scars to prove it. That motherfucker needs to rot or admit he was absolutely wrong in his demonizations when he had power. He’s part of the reason that Trump is where he is today. I will never ever forget. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. I had to quit watching CNN. Between Santorum and Blitzer it's just a fucking beating. That last interesting thing Blitzer said was during the first gulf war. Santorum should be quiet and enjoy his google popularity. He's boring and he's not good at playing the heel. Plus he has bad opinions.
  18. To me if we're legalizing something that used to be illegal, it means we're admitting that we made a mistake making it illegal to begin with. How would you like to be serving time for something that wasn't illegal? Or how would you like not being able to get the job you want because of your record because you did something 20 years ago that we're now admitting shouldn't have been a crime in the first place? But of course, we have to agree on the premise that it was a mistake it was ever illegal before the rest of that follows. If you don't agree with that part then agree to disagree is the way to go.
  19. Finally done with workout and food, time for a beer and then another until we get through this. How bad is the freak out so far? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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