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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NameAlreadyInUse

  1. Also, there's a whole lot of people that already voted. My boss is in NC and he'd already sent his ballot back before this news even broke.
  2. Some of those who work forces, are the same that burn crosses. Why is that song still current 30 years later? Motherfucker.
  3. well it's Ben Shapiro, when has he ever been reality based? I can't think of a time.
  4. And to that point, HIV+ people have gone to jail for spreading the virus. Could this not also be a crime for people to knowingly spread COVID?
  5. It was claimed to be an intro to astronomy and yes taught in that big hall in Welch. I took it in the fall of '90. I no longer remember anything about it except that astronomers at UT were way more into science and math than they were into looking at pretty pictures of celestial bodies. I was way more interested in looking at the pretty pictures than I was the science or math. Especially since I'd just graduated from a high school that didn't teach evolution because it was against the religion of the biology teacher, who went to the same Baptist church I did. I was not prepared to take any science classes when I walked onto campus, but especially not astronomy.
  6. Yup, I remember showing up to my first (and only) astronomy course as a wee freshman. Being from the sticks, I guess I thought it would be like sitting in a planetarium for 3 hours a week. So day 1 I'm sitting in Welch Hall excited about looking at stars and then we're neck deep in math. I have a whole new level of respect for astronomists, and I know that's something I do not have the brain power to handle.
  7. That debate was epic and I loved the subtle “Republicans can’t be trusted to deal with a pandemic like adults so I’m gonna bring my own partition” move. He wasn’t just using his words to drag Senator Ladybugs tonight. Proud to have donated to that guy.
  8. That’s awesome. I hope he whipped his ass through that plexiglass.
  9. When he goes into quarantine and is still negative 14 days later.
  10. Him dying of this would be justice, I just hope if it happens it happens after the election. I want him to know he lost.
  11. Dude, Twitter is going to ban Trump as soon as he's not president. He's going to have to find another platform.
  12. If he’s not in the hospital a week from now he never had it.
  13. Oh yes. What's really great fun for me is how much time I spend explaining the craziness that is our state run election codes to my immigrant husband who grew up in a country that had very well run elections and encouraged people to vote. Of course, half the people voting were getting paid off to pick a particular candidate, but the elections were well run and they did not suppress the vote there. On the other hand, if I'm a Republican I'm probably working to suppress the vote too. I know my ideas are too reprehensible to get me elected in a fair fight, so I'm going to rig the fight. It's either that or come up with less reprehensible ideas. But these are reprehensible people, they aren't going to consider that option. No, it's better to rig the election instead.
  14. 8 hour drive from Austin to New Orleans, an hour of that is just crossing Houston from west to east. That's not very big at all, maybe they really only need a drop box that's only available 4 hours a day. That should be able to handle the volume. Jesus Christ.
  15. Maybe jacob will show his asshole on Onlyfans to help pay the legal fees.
  16. Trump's getting banned from twitter within 2 weeks of not being President. In fact, if 2 weeks is the yardstick I'd take the under.
  17. Oh really? Has he not been paying attention the last 4 years? Because Trump behaved exactly like I expected him to behave. It's the same way he always behaves. Why would some rules make any difference?
  18. Actually, he’s a combination of lube and shit that could leak out in the aftermath of anal sex, so he’s got that going for him, which is nice.
  19. Jesus. I need to think hard about who that next pick is. I can't think of a single person in the political class that I'd even want to add even from a looks perspective when I'm surveying the R side. Maybe Bruce Willis 30 years ago, but even that would've been a meh. I guess all the hot Republican voters keep their opinions to themselves. Oh Scott Baio 30 years ago. Yum. There, calling my shot. That guy's a drama queen, but I think his kink is watching his wife suck other guys' dicks and so forth. I don't think he's actually out sucking other guys' dicks. Nope
  20. Yeah I read that as this guy is into it, then one day he figures out he can make a payday from not being into it anymore. I believe the things he claims happen happened, I just don't believe his participation was as coerced as he now claims it was. Also believe if that Fox New intern came forward, he'd corroborate that there wasn't any wooziness at all going on in that threesome.
  21. While I would definitely fuck the shit out of that dickhead Jacob Wohl, you'd have to make a pretty fucking big offer to get me to even consider fucking this moron. Ugh, he's vile.
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