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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NameAlreadyInUse

  1. Oh on this I'm 100% in agreement. The problem is, that IS what the government is telling us. It's not a big deal, go forth and spend your money. I want the messaging to be completely different than it is, and I want our actions to be exactly what they are. But we're going to have to wait for a change in leadership before that's going to happen.
  2. Sadly, until January at the earliest, I don't disagree with this approach. If I'm asymptomatic, what's the point of me getting tested if my positive test is going to have absolutely no bearing on anything? We aren't doing contact tracing, we aren't enforcing lockdowns for positive cases, we aren't doing anything at all. A test for an asymptomatic is just wasted money until we are actually committed to doing something about positive test results.
  3. Gotta say, if that happens, it's clear that my values don't match the values of my country any longer. That would be depressing.
  4. Oh on that we totally agree. I'd probably make it a condition that they have to stop voting, stop giving to any political groups, and never talk about politics in my presence. And I'll tell them it was their lack of foresight and gullibility that put them in this position to begin with, so they have already shown they don't make the best political decisions, so it's in everyone's interest, their's included, to stop doing those things.
  5. Well yeah, that's what I'd want to do. But life isn't always about doing what you want to do, sometimes it's about doing the right thing. And doing the right thing includes not letting my parents/grandparents starve to death. Also, despite their political leanings, otherwise my family is pretty good. I would resent spending my retirement on their retirement but not nearly as badly as you will in the case of your sister.
  6. I would be in the same boat except some of those leopards ate my face people are my family, that I'd be on the hook for supporting, with the retirement money I've been saving assuming they'd figure out a way to pull the SS rug out from under my generation before we could actually use it. No thanks. I don't want to spend my retirement on my family.
  7. Actually, what I was trying to argue, apparently poorly, is exactly this. This is what should have happened at the end of the civil war. It was the only way for us to potentially avoid where we are today.
  8. Carrying bibles to churches. Apparently her idea.
  9. Tahoe would tell you that it was always thus, they just used to write things down they didn't actually believe in. And he was proud of that about his party. Also, I'm realizing now that our biggest mistake as a country, aside from slavery, was not doing to the south the same things the germans did to the nazi's after WWII. It should have been drilled into them that what the south did was to shame its descendents. The fact we let them go on glorifying the losers and carrying their symbols and normalizing the okayness of that train of thought back then made it all but inevitable that we'd get here one day.
  10. NOBODY want to see that. God dammit.
  11. I’d have a house in New Orleans and live there at least 3 months a year if I could. So yeah, definitely add Louisiana to the list.
  12. Yeah you can’t forget that the “mastermind” behind the watergate break in, G Gordon Liddy, got himself a pretty good following and a nationally syndicated radio show after serving his time. Republicans will support anyone who proves they’d do anything for the team. They’ll support her too because she was willing to suck Don’s dick as their surrogate. What I don’t get is how any of them think they’d ever get elected in a nationwide race again with the demographics being what they are and the Don’s version of the party being so toxic to non-cult members. Either they are dumber than you think they are or they know something we don’t. The outcome in November will tell us which one I think.
  13. Looks like it. Also added concrete for some reason.
  14. I still do not understand why they think this is like chicken pox. There has not been a single study that has shown that getting it grants you immunity to it long term that I've seen.
  15. You are saying something that was a common refrain from the hornfans days....The best things in life aren't things. I'm with you.
  16. Man I have to say, I'm super fucking disappointed that we moved from TOS and didn't tell Emeroid. I would've been dunking on his ass daily in PM's about his lack of yelling about the deficit. Would've also had a betting pool going for how long he'd wait after Trump is gone before he started yelling about it again. My over/under would've been 5 days after election, and I would've taken the under and would expect it would be the under and blame already shifted to biden for Trump's deficit balloon. That guy was a special piece of shit.
  17. Full on nihilism is the way that I like to kick off my message board reading for Friday's, so this particular troll fit the bill today!!
  18. This guy knows what he’s talking about. And that’s depressing.
  19. I'm fully expecting them all to be reminded if Trump gets indicted that accepting the pardon means they can no longer incriminate themselves, and therefore can't take the 5th. Then I'm expecting a lot of them to go to jail for perjury when they get caught lying on the stand. It would be a satisfying timeline to be on, but I worry it won't be our timeline.
  20. That was fucking brutal. Someone who twitters ought to just add a tombstone in the comments with Cruz and Rubio's names on it.
  21. Well yeah, when a black person is articulate they have to readjust their entire cognitive dissonance mechanism. That's hugely divisive.
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