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Everything posted by orangecat92

  1. Taking another look, why the extended comments before the firings? Nobody was happy, he evidently knew changes were coming, and he still felt the need to give herm the vote of confidence. Reverse the order, announce firings, then make comments and cdc looks awfully good. And maybe, he would not have needed to say anything at all. Firings should speak for themselves.
  2. But that is not what cdc did. He evaluated herm after 2 years and decided to extend him 2 years. Do what you say..wait until 5 years are up.
  3. Best 10 year run? Yeah. Best of all time? Probably. He wasn’t shy about his coaches taking blame for the sub. Thing.
  4. Very condescending to fans. One theory is these remarks were directed towards parents of recruits. If so, risking alienating fans so parents feel good about their sons coaching staff is a bad gamble, imo. Btw, if i am a parent of a recruit, do I feel good about the direction of the program? Do I want to hear everything is ok from the AD? vote with your feet. Bowl game tickets? Don’t buy them. Then season tickets, etc. agree ...what a fraud.. winning 7 games is our standard.
  5. If you were urban, knowing Toms last year is 20, would you jump at usc, or wait for Texas in a year. Urbana goal is nc at a different school. Which program gives him easiest path to nc? Both conferenes have champ. game. Is it easier to win big 12 or pac 12? i think big 12 would be easier to win. Win big 12, you’re in playoffs. I think urban will will be very cautious about moving up to cowboys......he is ready to win, one more college championship.
  6. Yeah, the outcome of the game means nothing, except the 5 and 7 thing for tech....getting a bowl game...is this for real?
  7. Love the sponsor list. Ate at Lubys once a month on sundays growing up. Liked it so much I worked as a manager for them, 8.5 years. Some of the dumbest decisions ever made in corporate America by that company. Let’s hire a guy to be ceo who has 0 experience in the food business. Same dude rolls out idea of outsourcing the scratch cooking prep. Ex. for fried fish. had fun too. Got to do the thanksgiving interview with the news reporter in Sherman. She was an absolute doll. Had had some fun coming up with new dishes. Took a cooked ribeye from the day before, ran it through tenderizer a couple of times, flour batter flour, and it was a chicken fried ribeye. Sold 2 and ate 1. Yes!
  8. check this out: http://theacc.com/sports/2019/4/24/FB_0424195142.aspx There is a tiny chance we might go up against UNC in the Camping World Bowl. How much fun would that be?
  9. Surly on the cutting edge. This is coming together about how I planned, after the two Kansas games. Lose by 3 touchdowns to Baylor, which in all reality did happen. Next step is a 5 year low attendance at the last home game. The final step is to lose the bowl game by 4 tds. if all that happens, somebody will decide to make the change. Anything less and wait until the same show next year and then he is gone.
  10. Injury to cj important. Am sticking with 52 to 35.
  11. Ok I think I have this figured out, Baylor is stewing over only playing half the game last week, while our d is feeling very good about themselves, after 2 games in a row of better than avg. play....Baylor plays a complete game, puts up about 50 on us...Tom waits to get offense going until down 21 0, but out scores Baylor by about 2 touchdowns in 2nd half...we lose something like 52 35, and cocky, arrogant Tom shows up in postgame, because the offense is back. Then Tom throws eveybody a curve ball, by announcing our next opponent is Tech..
  12. Tex is right, UNLESS there are multiple losses of more than one score, or we finish 6 and 7. Picture going from top 10 preseason to 7 losses. One side of the ball will have to give up multiple coaches, I think. It all comes down to how bad do tech and Baylor want to beat us. Pretty sure Baylor is highly motivated and knows our offensive plays, of course. Tech? Don’t have a clue.
  13. IMO oddsmakers are keeping it close because they figured out we don’t get blown out. We lose by 5 or less. Better bet is refs helping Baylor. But, it just occurred to me, we’re overdue big time for a blowout loss....Baylor is overdue for a blowout win.... densa can’t have close games forever.
  14. Still working through the words. It seems like the ok hook em needs in there. How about, TOM, NOt ok. Not cool. Next up.hook em
  15. Great respect to the poster who said something to the effect of “we are gonna regret that game winning kick against Kansas”. Next year is now Toms last year. Because Tom is stubborn about his coordinators, the only thing that changes this forecast is a Freedom bowl massacre style defeat in a bowl game. To steal something from Yogi, I think a college football teams success is about 90 percent physical preparation and the other half is mental. And what impacts both kinds of preparation more than any other is coaching. The record in the final three games is meaningless. A half empty stadium against tech should get everyone’s attention.
  16. I just noticed the season is over with a first round playoff loss. 8-3 record.
  17. I like this and at the end, “we’re a volleyball school”
  18. I like this and then reporters try to make both Tom and cdc answer for it. Ask both men what the banner means. Combination of a banner and stadium half empty will get cdcs attention.
  19. “Winning is hard, adios Tom”
  20. How about turtle Tom is not our standard.
  21. I just remembered the big difference between Herm and Fred. Fred had actual serious success on his side. Cotton Bowl championship on January 1982......undefeated regular seasons 1977 and 1983... tom... nothing.
  22. This is a very much like 1984. Young coach comes in, has a good year, has a close game with OU, fades with a bunch of problems down the stretch. But look what is coming. In the end, the freedom bowl massacre, 55 to 17 i think. From memory only I think the team finished 7 and 4. Fred still lasted 2 more years! lets say we finish 6 and 7, bowl loss, and season tickets plummet. 20 could be his last year. I think it’s all on the season ticket holders and bmds.
  23. Ah yes it is now banner time. Small Crowd size against tech will help
  24. Meyer calling out the staff helps transition, if we go 6 and 7. I hope they make a move at that record. It should be a serious consideration. Other thing that helps is if the portal fills up rather quickly.
  25. I can agree with twice. But I would add on, no extension for you this year and no raise for assistants. No multiyear contracts for assistants. Surely Tom is smart enough to understand the message being sent.
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