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Everything posted by orangecat92

  1. Heading into unknown territory wrt IF. Haven't eaten anything in 24 hours, trying to decide if I want to go for just a couple more or even further. Have only consumed a little bit of water, so am thinking if I want, can drink at a much better pace and not think about food. I could distract myself with crappy Amazon Prime movies and see how far I could go, if I wanted. Completed day 24 in a row of hitting steps goal, 9500. Have 6100 steps today and it is not quite 2:00 p.m. yet. Down 12 pounds from May 23, and only 9 pounds from the magical 214.2, which is overweight, instead of obese. Would be really cool to hit 219 by June 23, because that would be 15 pounds in one month. 1/2 pound a day average weight loss. And the last 10 days or so without the fiber I am used to consuming. I ordered it from Amazon maybe 2 weeks ago and it is due any day. I am beginning to think losing weight is just a mindset. I have a watch that keeps me focused on steps, an app. that keeps me focused on weight, BMI, etc. and knowing there is no fast food on the horizon helps. Yesterday I watched computer version of US Open and ran everytime there was commercial. I racked up the steps quickly. Just a trick on the brain, again.
  2. So I just read a story on the dallasnews.com that the public is supposed to be coming to the next school board meeting, evidently tomorrow. https://sportsday.dallasnews.com/high-school/high-schools/2019/06/16/mount-vernon-made-statement-hiring-art-briles-now-community-chance-speak?f=r
  3. Koepka has a par on 18, correct? don't have TV.
  4. I can almost remember watching Mychal Thompson play a few minutes with the Lakers. If this is the dude I am thinking of he was a very good 6th man type, could have started for many teams. Also, reading about defense gives me chills because when I think Lakers and defense I think of only one man, Michael Cooper. He could take down almost anybody, and do it clean.
  5. The fun thing will be for a prospective homeowner going forward, to try to figure out the property tax rates for different ISDs because each ISD going forward will have a distinct maximum tax rate based on their revenue. I remember very clearly my search in that vein, years ago. In our neck of the woods, we had basically two options, Frisco ISD and McKinney ISD. Today, the same search would have included Princeton as well - probably others. Princeton is doing a wonderful job. Back then Princeton was not a consideration at all, because they were so incredibly small. I studied the property tax records and realized even though McKinney had higher property tax rates, their real estate values were lower than Frisco's. McKinney ISD won, and good call by me in hindsight, because while Frisco ISD had a lower rate, they would eventually pass a TRE, just like McKinney did, but the growth in real estate values in Frisco ISD totally obliterated McKinney ISD's growth. I also benefited from the housing crisis at the time. There were three foreclosures on the street in McKinney in 2004. One was a VA, the other two FHA. We chose one of the FHA ones and our two kids ended up doing very well, while they walked to grades 6 through 12. The thing I did not anticipate that might be somewhat addressed by this property tax legislation is that McKinney ISD had some serious big spenders out there. One year I was with the tea party group that protested the possible new swimming pool, "aquatic center" they called it. For some reason the school board actually listened to us, this one time, and cancelled the ridiculously high priced swimming pool. The big spenders eventually won really big, with the $70 million football stadium. In hindsight, the school board was simply run by the big contractor who I can't remember the name of right now. When the new schools stopped being built, there became a new term in McKinney ISD, "refresh". Existing schools needed a "refresh", which meant new AC, desks, chairs, bookshelves, flooring, etc. The local contractor won all of the bids for these remodeling operations. One summer I worked for a clean up operation and we destroyed most of the inside of McKinney High School. Perfectly good desks, chairs, etc. that were just a bit aged. It was a demolition company. Boom! all of that stuff thrown in the trash. This hit me recently because the same thing happened the other day in McKinney, at an elementary school. The district is so cavalier about wasting money now that they put the furniture outside, and then later the demo. company came in and destroyed the furniture but left the mess outside. Some McKinney taxpayers are now finding out what has been happening for years, wrt wasting money on "refresh" for a property, and throwing away potential dollars - older furniture. Rene Bates auction company takes care of this stuff, but sometimes districts don't go with the auction company, for some unknown reason. So the question to me is does this new property tax bill stop the wasting money attitude of districts? Nothing will stop McKinney ISD, imo. I already told a teacher friend who lives there to expect the big spenders to come back and demand an aquatic center again, or maybe something else similar. The next big project will probably exceed $100 million. I think the big spenders will find a way to get even more things that should be M and O to be covered by bonds. Bond tax rates will go up at most ISDs and then the districts will lobby for a higher tax limit for I and S. Moving forward, the challenge is on for taxpayers to get involved and try to reign in things like "refresh" spending.
  6. Anybody know anything about the bill to kill the STAAR test? I googled, yes, and found nothing. I think it was a house bill.
  7. Ran in late morning, instead of evening. Also consumed two kinds of protein, one is a coffee flavored protein I put in my coffee, the other a caramel flavor I put in oatmeal. Ran one way to village, 4.1miles, walked back. Total time 111 minutes, nearly a modern PR. First goal is to get down to my half marathon pace of 13 min. 13 seconds, which I nearly hit today. Today’s 13 minutes 34 seconds pace means I am already capable of beating the pace. I know one PR I hit today, the amount of snot and phlegm that evacuated my head, which guarantees I will lose another pound when I weigh tomorrow. Already have the amount of intense minutes the Garmin says I am supposed to have for the week, and sitting at 18000 steps, before one p.m. might as well try to get all green check marks on garmin. Just need 7 flights of stairs and 1500 calories burned I think.
  8. Just weighed today, 224.2, down 10 pounds since May 23, exercise is up drastically. Have been doing better runs than in forever. Ran 2 miles in 22 minutes last night, best per mile time since 2010 half marathon. More importantly, am down 12 pounds from marathon weight. Average steps past 7 days is over 13000. Will set local record for steps in one day June 21. Side benefit of IF, am taking forever to consume food. Cooked 3 cups of pinto beans late last month, and they are still in the fridge, despite me eating a serving a day. They’re good, I put a pound of breakfast sausage, half pound of bacon, grease from both kinds of pig, almost every spice I had except salt, 3 jalapeños, and onions. Past couple of days have poured a bit of barbecue sauce and baked the suckers. Hmmm....good. Today or tomorrow I will reverse sear a chuck roast. Jalapeño juice is soaking in at the moment. Three kinds of pepper, garlic, butter etc. have been rubbed into this marbled beauty. 3 pounder will take maybe a week to eat. Might end being a quesadilla in the end.
  9. Sounds like with 20% increase in per student funding and 30% of that having to go to teacher raises, teachers are getting some relief. Is it that simple, every teacher will get at least a 6 percent raise? (.30 x .20 = .06) I don't believe per student funding has ever gone up that much in one wack, since maybe HB 72 - No pass, no play?
  10. Ran half marathon in Tyler in 2010. Or should I say completed. I was doing well until about mile 10, my field of vision narrowed, did run/walk combo to finish. Pretty shade trees over the brick roads. Now I weigh less than then. Have run just three times, but am feeling it. I plan to run at least a 5k.in Austin area the week before Christmas if possible. My average mile time is only a little more than one minute slower for a 7.8. Mile run here in Alaska than my average time for the half 9 years ago. I will have to run indoors starting in November, but that is easy enough. Run through the school about 100 times. I want to beat that average mile time.
  11. Sounds like not too far from aggy...San Antonio? Planning ahead..son graduates in december.
  12. Here’s a better one. I’m now associate manager, different store in corpus. Newer store, typical church crowd, Sunday afternoon. A fight breaks out in the dining room, two women, one utilized a ketchup bottle as a weapon. Pulling hair etc. I called 911, but our assistant manager had experience in a bar, so he attempted to break it up. Regular customer was large African American, detective, think bodybuilder type. He heard the call, appeared very quickly, and dragged his wife out of there. Yep, other woman vs. wife dressed in Sunday best.
  13. Worked in Lubys management for 8.5 years. Love your story. Here is one from Corpus Christi, old man boss was tightest sob I ever saw. Wouldn’t allow new plates to be used, they might break, we would run out of trays on regular basis, etc. I was assistant manager, number 1 server is Josie. Btw this boss set the company record for high salary in 1985, $300,000. Typical day, 1996, and Josie is serving meat as usual. I come through the kitchen door and Josie is cutting roast beef and a cockroach appears on the counter. Without skipping a beat, Josie plants the non business end of the tongs firmly onto the cockroaches back, he’s dead, she quickly wipes him off the counter toward me, and resumes cutting meat. Josie was a star. The year I worked at that store the old man was unhappy, cried all of the way to the bank, worked 2 days a week, and only made about $230,000. He wanted $300k.
  14. tried the reverse sear-my version of it today, on a NY strip. Awesome! Whoever invented that shit should be a millionaire. My little adjustment was that my frying pan wasn't hot enough when the steak hit the pan, so I turned the steak twice to get that first side an additional 30 seconds. Was the best steak I have ever cooked at home, and not close. Pink but plenty hot. The steak stayed hot the entire time I ate, which is not always the case. Most of the time I cooked a steak before I could get it to medium rare but it would be cold by the time I was halfway done. Got me started thinking, would that technique work on a Chuck Roast? I really don't see any pitfalls. I will give it a shot, and instead of one minute on high for the sear, I think I will try 2 minutes each side. I don't have a thermometer, so I played it by feel today for the strip. My feel is pretty good, having worked as manager of Luby's cafeteria for 8.5 years a lifetime ago. I just had a flashback to Luby's. The best steak I ever cooked I cooked at Luby's. Two episodes really. One time there was a ribeye in the cooler that looked like it was about to go bad, so I drenched it with melted butter, and then cooked it. I put a little pan on top of the steak while it was on the grill. I wanted to know if that technique worked so I cooked a 2nd ribeye for my dinner, same method. Melted in my mouth good. Later I would learn that the famous steak place in Austin-OMG I can't think of the name- cooked their steaks at 500 and soaked with butter. Ruth's Chris- there it is. The other Luby's flashback was this: we were trying to get rid of some ribeye's one Saturday night in Sherman, so we cooked them and put them on the counter. Price was very steep for your typical Sherman resident, and we relied upon the police to help us with high dollar items such as that. (Police got 50% off, and some locations would give food free if policeman entered location during the last half hour-can't remember if it was free in Sherman or not) I guess the police didn't show up that night, so my boss who was absolutely exceptional in creativity, decided we could try to sell the 3 remaining ribeyes the next day, but the rule at Luby's was you have to change the form of the meat. So, we had Chicken Fried Ribeye. I was the butcher that Sunday morning, so I put the three leftover ribeyes through the tenderizer a couple or three times and the fry cook did the usual- flour-batter-flour-batter-cracker crumbs. They came out beautifully, but only two sold. I took the plunge again- I was such a good food taster- and ate the last Chicken Fried Ribeye--ummmm good! I still occasionally have Luby's dreams/nightmares, but this was a pretty good series of flashbacks. I guess when you work a job 14-15 hours a day, it does something to you. I still know the ingredients for mayo.: SESOVDM - salt eggs sugar oil vinegar dry mustard. Whenever I completely forget that I guess I will be ready for the alzheimer's unit. The wife occasionally gives me a hard time about remembering stuff. I should call that manager in Sherman and tell him this story. Last time I checked property tax appraisal records he still lived in Sherman. Great man. Like a lot of great Luby's men, he got screwed, starting with that idiot CEO from the clothing business, Barry something- Parker I think. 100% jackass, didn't know what making food entailed. Wow! I'm tripping.
  15. Yeah, the coke was a mistake. I should have tried cranberry juice. I have concentrate from Amazon, which has almost no sugar. Speaking of diet, I broke a 19 hour fast the incorrect way, but will burn a huge amount of calories when I run in about 3 hours. Shooting for running 4 miles and walking back. Should add about 10000 steps. I surprised myself just now by not eating the entire NY strip. Made the baked onion rings, brown rice with ro tel, and steamed broccoli. Drank lemon water, straight. Will drink coffee before the run. Only spice I added was 2 kinds of pepper. I am almost done with salt, at least in terms of adding salt to food. Am completely full, but strangely not sleepy. Did the reverse sear @nd wow, was that good.
  16. Fell off IF wagon today because of no good reason, but will be interesting. Waited too long to eat lunch. Ended up feeling weak, so drank 2 cans of coke and then ate lunch at 430. I will still be able to fast for 16+ hours. Will skip breakfast and eat a really good meal for lunch. Got a Big tbone ready to go, and onions marinating in Italian dressing. Will chop club crackers as breading for onion rings. Flour, egg batter, cracker crumbs. Bake the onion rings. Will cook brown rice, and some frozen green veggie. I intend to eat this slowly. Almost forgot, will marinate steak in melted butter overnight. Dogs will feast on the bone. Everybody will be happy and then instead of dessert, I will make sure I drink at least 2 cups of coffee and drink plenty of water after a 3.5 mile run, which will happen around 5 pm. Next meal after lunch will be. Sunday morning. Also found nerdfitness, and will start his fitness plan tomorrow. Real easy to follow, but the trick is to execute the plan 3 times in a row without stopping.
  17. IF is definitely working for me, caveat being is has only been a couple of weeks, down several pounds and feeling better. The key for me is to work something that will transition well when school starts again in August. This is the beauty of rural Alaska. One of the suggestions is to break the fast with something fairly light, and then eat again an hour later. Since I have a 3 minute commute to school, I can go workout in the gym, come back home, shower, break the fast, and then take food with me to eat an hour later. Then I will talk the wife into making a complete, full, hot meal for lunch. 1200, and boom the eating is done for the day. There are no food temptations where I live, so I get to learn to enjoy the taste of green tea. The water tastes much better than McKinney water, which is probably why black coffee tastes so good here. Talked to the wife and she said she will do IF with me when she comes back. Her part time job is in the afternoon, so she has time to make the lunch meal every day. Convenience wins for me. If I could just sleep longer I would be in heaven.
  18. Intermittent fasting is coming along well. I have seen some more videos and want some opinions. One expert on youtube says put salt in water, because it helps you retain minerals you would otherwise lose. Thoughts? I think it was the same guy who said don't IF every day. Huh? I am thinking he meant vary the length of fast to "confuse" the stomach? I don't think he meant have a cheat day, but don't know. Speaking of, anybody here have a cheat day on IF? If so, did you like it? Was it worth it? Very interesting thought by this expert to exercise during the last hour of the fast. I am intrigued. I will try this later in the summer. Anybody here have success with that?
  19. Gone AD in Army band. All-state band senior in high school, joined National Guard band while still in high school. Was stationed at Fort Sam for the summer of 84. Easiest duty in history..5 hour days, and some soldiers had part time jobs delivering pizzas. Of course pay was way too low. I couldn’t justify going AD for $700 per month. Army would have paid for at least B.S. But the real opportunity would have been to try out for one of the top bands, Army Field Band and the top band both have incredible musicians. But the negative was the number of nutjobs on AD, at least at Fort Sam. Young musicians today have it made, start at E 4.
  20. I’ve read about the STA 21 program a bit recently. Son is Navy, started as E3 because of Eagle Scout. His rate is FC, firecontrol, don’t have a clue what he does on the ship. I imagine FC is rather relaxed, because he chose it. There are women in FC. He is not the type to choose something strenuous. I wonder what FC prepares a man for in civilian life? Poor kid is stationed in Hawaii, but right now underway for undetermined amount of time. I hope he reenlists, because he has 0 experience in civilian world. 22 years old stationed in Hawaii. 3 years AD so far.
  21. After I watched the YouTube, I decided to break in slowly, so I am doing 16/8, but for example this morning I lasted 19 hours. No stomach growling, so I am thinking I could have easily lasted 20. I break the fast with hot cereal. Is there any evidence that 20/4 works better? I am guessing I could continue the 16/8 and then throw in an occasional 40 hr. fast. Iow continue the fast, and instead of breaking the fast just keep on for another full day. Black coffee already tastes really good. How good would it taste if I went 40 hours with no food. This is a fantastic experiment.
  22. Been on intermittent fasting for almost a week, and just realized I am sitting here not hungry at all, and have less than 2 hours to go until I eat. I am guessing goal of IF is to simply reduce your appetite? It is working so far. I just need to work on sitting down and enjoying the lunch meal. Add in a regular exercise program, and I can see losing 16 pounds this summer. That puts me down from obese to overweight, according to the fancy scale/app the wife bought, and that would be great. Longer term, I can see getting down to under 200 by Dec., when I go to son’s college graduation. 10000 steps a day doesn’t mean anything, but since I live in an area with a huge amount of summer sunlight possible, I plan to set a local record for steps on June 21, when we have about 20 hours of daylight.
  23. Actually 4 beach, the wife 2 sisters, and niece. Wife asked me to find vaca. Spot, so I went by number of bathrooms. 14 year old takes one hour shower. So, for the budget...under $2000 for seven nights the best deals are Airbnb...2 plus blocks from beach no pool. Several choices. All have 2 bathrooms. Some have outdoor showers. Anything to stay away from? Never done air bnb before. Other option is to rent 2 hotel rooms, but. That puts $slightly over 2k for a place rated 4.0 or better. There will be drinking involved, though primarily only one lady.
  24. Like this thread, got a reality check this morning, gained a pound yesterday, so went back to standard breakfast, hot cereal, with added fiber. Ran down the hill to get heart rate up, have been alert almost all day..awesome! I think that will be the key for me this summer. 10000 steps a day sounds nice, but it doesn’t mean a thing if I don’t get my heart rate up. I am shooting for 3 times a day.
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