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Jack Straw

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Everything posted by Jack Straw

  1. i am a fan. had a grilled cheese at Clark's earlier this week. i'd never really thought to order that there before because there are so many other great seafood options, but damn, it was next level GC. big thick slices of sourdough, tons of melted gruyere, with some warm sofrito served on the side.
  2. great recc's and comments, thank you. i will tell margo hello for you. i recall many years ago, talking with her after a show and paying her some fawning compliment, probably about her beauty, and she politely said thank you, i'll be sure and tell my husband you said that. haha
  3. around the holidays, they put out ones that are a half pound each. i've only seen them at office depot.
  4. Onboard is doing a pretty good job of it. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if he and FCHorn are the same person. You know that FC wasn’t going to go from posting 20+ hours a day for 10 years straight, to completely disappearing overnight. Plus, there’s really no possible way that there are two different people on earth who are that fucking stupid.
  5. about half the time we are out, we skip dessert at whatever restaurant we are at and go to gemelli's for gelato. that place is so great.
  6. south city kitchen looks right up our alley - we will hit that once for sure
  7. 1. Reeses PB cups far and away #1, nothing else is even in the same universe 2. Almond M&M's 3. Heath 4. Almond Snickers 5. Tie - York/Junior Mints; Almond Joy; Lemon Sours (the soft ones); Kit Kat* *did you know that one of the layers on the inside of a Kit Kat bar is .... crushed up Kit Kats?
  8. many thanks. it sounds like set up there at city winery is, doors at 6:00 and time to eat there ahead of the show if you want, show at 8:00. knowing nothing of the venue other than what i can see on their site, we were trying to figure out if we should do that and eat there before the show, or eat somewhere else (better) ahead of time and then show up closer to 8:00 for the show. thoughts one way or the other?
  9. cowboy junkies, city winery - saturday and sunday nights
  10. dear sirs: this intrigues me greatly. what is this exactly, and where is this darrell's that you speak of
  11. could be wrong but i think i read that it is creme soda based, which is probably why it is so disgusting
  12. me too. so this brings the total number of Republicans who are willing to do the right thing, nationwide, to .... one.
  13. with indoor lawn darts thrown in for good measure
  14. This. Big Red is disgusting. Yes. Big Red and Creme Soda are the two worst beverages, of the world.
  15. Will be in Atlanta for a long weekend in late March/early April. I have not been to Atlanta since I was a kid, with my parents, so it is sort of a blank slate for me to fill and looking for some recommendations. Staying downtown Peachtree Center Will be Ubering, no car. We arrive Thursday AM and leave Monday afternoon. Have plans (concerts) Saturday and Sunday nights at a place near Fourth Ward Park. Beyond that, the rest of the weekend is open for sites, activities, culture, meals, etc. Planning on visiting the High Museum one afternoon. GF has expressed some interest in a tour of CNN as she has a relative who works there. What else shouldn't we miss? Must do places to eat (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) - anything from divey to high end is in our bailiwick - would like to focus on Southern/regional fare as much as possible, but not exclusively. Not interested in bars, unless its to eat, or see music. Hit me - thx
  16. my favorite leftover chili meal - frito pie tacos would cross-post to the steel shank thread, but plate too fancy
  17. jumbo meatballs with homemade marinara topped with olive oil, romano, burrata and basil
  18. There have been several dozen impeachable offenses prior to this. That we know of. Nothing happened with any of those, and nothing will come of this, either. There simply is no bottom for Trump and the Republican Party. None.
  19. Let’s be real. He’s about six feet and probably around 280. He’s super fucking fat.
  20. Just like the majority of Republicans
  21. ^^ The Belgian Restaurant Damn, that was a long time ago, havent thought of that place in forever
  22. Republican politicians and voters are absolute garbage.
  23. yes. see, e.g, texashammer, immortal13, chickensandwich, onboard2, et al.
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