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Everything posted by dingleberryswitzer

  1. I'd have to sell some stuff to free up money, and it's hurt to sell at a loss!
  2. "Obama's taxes are as fake as his birth certificate"
  3. Someone needs a sign that says "I tried to call but your voicemail is full"
  4. I'll try. I'll update either here or the shart thread. The house in question is like a half mile away.
  5. I did the Christmas light and insulated pouch. The bib in the back that is on siding and gets sunshine never froze. The one in the front hidden by bushes and shaded and on rock froze but didn't burst. Lost power, then lost water, so I just closed the valve at the meter. In the future I think I'll just close it at the meter I'd I know we'll be freezing for more than a day. I'm going to pick up a couple short strands of lights next Christmas season. I was using only 3 ft out of a 25 ft strand.
  6. I was walking my dog around maybe an hour after we got enough pressure to fill the toilet tanks, and I guess we had gotten full pressure back while I was out because some dude was using his fuckin water hose to sweep/melt snow off his driveway. Wtf?
  7. Already ordered a 2000w gas generator. Was thinking about it for our pop up camper anyways. But it should be enough to run our gas furnace blower, fridge, router, TV and charge stuff.. maybe not all at the same time. Probably will get a 5 gallon gas can and a small hand pump to pull from our cars if needed. I've looked at small solar battery packs to charge phones and tablets but I worry that the batteries go to shit. If could find one that uses replaceable 18650 batteries I might do it. Will probably get a few collapsible water bags, maybe 20 gallons worth. Probably a spare 20lb propane tank for cooking. We always have a shit ton of food in the pantry. My kids bitched about not having cereal, but never went hungry. I want to figure out the fittings needed to hook my air compressor up to the water line to purge my pipes. In all honesty, if I had known the schools would be closed all week I would have tried to purge my water lines, shut off the main, put the heat at 50 and gone skiing or to Florida or some thing.
  8. You should fill a laptop with dick pics the claim Ted Cruz dropped it off for you to fix.
  9. Yea, OP left us no other information about if he's sightseeing or what kind of car he's driving or a moving truck or anything. Does he like beaches or mountains? Is he gonna stop at hotels or camp. There's a billion different ways to get from Texas to Washington.
  10. * If going by yourself it might be cheaper to fly. * Check for snow and shit if you plan on going throw Colorado/Utah/Wyoming, etc * From SA through Arizona and until you hit LA area is basically desert and pretty boring but it's 85mph while in TX at least. *Plan for 3 days unless you hate yourself, or like meth.
  11. If I had the extra cash I'd buy land in and around San Marcos. I know it's probably not cheap now but it's a city that has a ton of room to grow.
  12. Ask them to come over and huff some fumes and see if that's enough proof.
  13. I love tacos because you can literally out anything in a tortilla and it's a taco.
  14. A Crosstrek or Forester will probably be the cheapest awd car you can get.
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