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Grade of D as in David

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Grade of D as in David

  1. Yeah he sucks in general but he wrote one good song
  2. He said trickle down, no details or proof needed, Ronnie taught us that.
  3. I don't think Abbott can pick up on a walking red flag, much less a sitting one.
  4. Was this drawn in 2002? Needs 100 lbs and some dripping hair dye to be accurate today.
  5. I can't wait to see Trump's lawyer's faces when he faces cross examination. Can they take the 5th on his behalf?
  6. Of course Ted only eats white dicks, no mixed bucket for him.
  7. We will likely end up with a Joffrey like replacement in terms of both cruelty and ineffectiveness.
  8. Hard to believe Tacky O let him out of the house looking like that
  9. It's Florida, he can still catch quite a few of them unless they also have a fat scooter
  10. The fact that this stone throwing mother fucker of all people wants to build himself a glass house bottles the mind.
  11. You still have to put in some work. Although, now you simply have to walk up and grab them by the pussy. They let you do it.
  12. And that was the year he claimed to be worth $1.4 Billion
  13. The best part is that those boots look about 3 sizes too big for him.
  14. Maybe if you find invalids getting spoon fed Gerber carrots interesting
  15. That's a start, but I would put more onus on the seller. If you sell someone a firearm and it is used in a shooting, crime etc, then you are held liable like a bartender would for over serving a drunk. Also treat them like cars, license, registration, and insurance on all firearms.
  16. The follow up question in a loud voice so everyone can hear it should have been: "Senator, when asked about running in 2026 you froze up and looked like you didn't know where you were. This is the second time in as many months that this has happened. Why haven't you resigned already? Followed by: Will you submit to a public cognitive test?"
  17. Seriously drop them off 10 blocks from home. If they make it back alive, with no assistance then they can return to office. And if they don't...
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