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Grade of D as in David

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Grade of D as in David

  1. She has to keep getting more outrageous to keep her base engaged, otherwise they lose interest and the donations stop coming in.
  2. To be fair I would expect at least this many casualties from an untrained, ill equipped, drunk, convict army thrown together at the last minute.
  3. I'd make him stay overnight as well. Just to make sure he gets the private Pyle soap party treatment.
  4. Don't forget to put some travelers checks in your security money belt.
  5. That's a wrong a kind of a front, you a need a cold a front
  6. That's exactly what guys sitting around the fire with a pet chimp would do
  7. The tank makes a pretty handy table.
  8. Which one DC or splashtown? One is a piss soaked cesspool filled with disgusting people, the other is a water park.
  9. I have no idea who this person is in real life, but based on their posting history I would have guessed it's a prosperity gospel megachurch.
  10. Get her a pair of the old timey pajamas with the flap in the back.
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