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Grade of D as in David

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Grade of D as in David

  1. Qualifier in Dallas happened in late May. Cam Young and 🤮 Sergio qualified along with 6 others. https://www.usopen.com/2023/u-s--open-qualifying--scoring/2023-u-s--open-final-qualifying--dallas-texas.html?__hstc=230596675.e2852dda7233ada745e81359bc350969.1685907052480.1685907052480.1685907052480.1&__hssc=230596675.1.1685907052481&__hsfp=1020328477
  2. I actually prefer them to his backdoor top 5 in majors after blowing up Thursday or Friday.
  3. After this Ukraine debacle, I think they're both Fredo.
  4. That bottom map is out of date. I don't see Belgorod under Ukrainian control.
  5. aggy trying their best to dodge us in the supers
  6. They want to buy all of the aluminum bleachers they can find and stack them 5 high. Great idea given their history of stacking things.
  7. I'm starting to think the counteroffensive is going to be way more successful than anyone thinks. UA running through Russian lines like shit through a goose and gobbling up land in chunks, and people are going wonder if the West was actively participating. Leaking that the tip of the spear will be NATO trained Ukrainian troops cuts off the upcoming claim of NATO forces running the operations.
  8. You went to Cancun with your stripper ex and a bunch of her (I'm assuming) stripper friends and the best part of the trip was Walmart?
  9. What kind of work were you doing? Also you should really look into therapy and possibly meds to even you out right now. I know shit looks bad right now but start small. In his commencement address McRaven talked about making your bed every morning. It's easy, but an accomplishment you can tick off even before you have breakfast. Also, stop self medicating and if you aren't exercising, start.
  10. If I had to guess when Columbia exploded that pushed it to 14 and at that point to goose the numbers further, much like the championships added many years after the fact, they decided to appropriate the memory of the Apollo 1 crew bringing them to 17.
  11. I am certain at some point on the campaign trail we will see him eat a booger.
  12. I agree 100 percent, still doesn't keep me from yelling from the passenger seat that the cheeseburger with mustard only is his.
  13. That story about sweet treats caused a pavlovian pudding response in Lil Ron.
  14. Why would she need that when all of her passwords are Pa$$word1
  15. Nah just make the wife sleep closest to the bedroom door for a while.
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