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Grade of D as in David

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Grade of D as in David

  1. Honestly this isn't a bad idea. Those kids need something to pray to when they're getting shot up in the classroom.
  2. There's a bathroom? We piss in cans, Charlie.
  3. Is it weird he mentioned live woman? Isn't that implied?
  4. Being spit roasted by junior and Rudy while fish lips Guilfoyle sits in the corner rubbing her bean?
  5. An article about stockpiling ammunition, just like the article the other day about the tip of the spear being NATO trained Ukrainian troops, this is to give more reasons/cover for the upcoming success of the counteroffensive. I would bet some aircraft makes an appearance, and it's blitzkrieg 2.0. At this point I'm more concerned about getting Ukraine to stop at their borders and not go through to Moscow.
  6. If Russia wants buffer states they can concede their own fucking land for them.
  7. Hey man, that's not my cup of tea, but let your freak flag fly! I've learned from the now this incident.
  8. Poland is licking their chops to jump in and kick Russian ass. I don't know who hates Russia more. Poles or Ukraine.
  9. Tucker: "Hey Brett can you please put in a good word with Fox and see if I can get out of my contact?" Brett: "Sure" Sends dick pic to Lachlan
  10. Maybe they're closer together on a Cyrillic keyboard?
  11. Cool, but I prefer my UA drone videos to have more boom in them.
  12. I think the US taxes you regardless of where you live. You could renounce your citizenship, I guess.
  13. Only if you put them on a McMuffin
  14. Or guys who got kicked off of one college golf team for stealing from his teammates lockers and then had to finish up at a different school?
  15. Lefty will piss it away in 10 years and be broke again.
  16. He will turn this car around if we don't behave.
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