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Everything posted by Pimphand

  1. Has anyone put an APB out for Kayce? She was fired up about Elko three weeks ago. Wonder if buyers remorse has set in...
  2. We really need a documentary about TAMU incompetence. Looch should be forced to narrate it in 2004 Baylor Dave South voice.
  3. He seems to be on the Shawn Kemp program
  4. Was just up in Schoolcraft this hits close to home!
  5. On the 12 days of Loochmas this incredible spare gave to me....
  6. I thought it was like 150 feet and he had like 15 cats as well.
  7. I remember back on January One 1999 I went to the Cotton Bowl cuzz my Lord and Saver was a actin as the Missippy State head coach.I drunk up about eight measures a vodka fore kickoff and I was a swangin cowbells with my Missippy brethren like they was lamb carcasses on the hook after another meat judgin vicktree. Come hafftime I done added bout seven pints a Cotton Bowl keg beer to my bladder an I was swole up like a pregnant cow dog, soes I went a looking fer the john. Seein how the piss line extended ten tractor langths out the door I kept a walkin and turnt a corner facing some closed elevador doors. I took a chance an whipped 'er out right there and then. I wanna take this moment to thank God, Jackie Sherrill, and Bucky Richardson that I was able to finish without them doors openin. I dont thank I coulda survived a Dallas Cop billy clubbin in my grain n barley soaked state. Come the fourth qwarter this longhorn fella behind me kept yellin, "Hey Sherrill, I hear John Wayne Gasey used to dress up like a clown too!" I wanted to confront this fella, but I dident fill like gettin my *** whooped, and besides I done added bout eight more pints a beer to my belly since the haff and my brain was swimmin somewheres tween the Skilla and the Caribs. My innerds was a bubblin up sumpin fierce soes I went a stumblin twords the john a figgerin to upheave. This is where I might get a little sentamental. You see, all this talk about renavatin the Cotton Bowl makes me sad. Cuzz that mornin as I stumbled threw the bathroom stall and the rust spat from its tired hinges, I fell to the tiled floor where the grit has turned green with age and bad aim; desperately I gripped the base of that cherished old potty, lurched my flushed face over the discolored edge of the worn creaky seat, and emancipated the new year's contents of my soul into that cracked porcalin relic. At that moment, I knew without a shadow of a doubt, that the kin folk of Kyle Rote and Doak Walker once sat n shat upon that same sacred tank. ----- ... give me a moment to wipe the tears from my eyes... ----- Folks, I hope you understand why the Cotton Bowl can never be renavated. Theys just too much histry in that house. The Cotton Bowl's an ALLSOME place, Amen - Spider Ag
  8. When I was moving from DC to Denver the night of the "take the loss pussy" game I hit a pothole so big my truck and motorcycle caught some air in Indianapolis. I thought for sure I was going to lose a motorcycle or both. Thankfully I did not by the time I got to Terre Haute I took the motorcycles off the trailer and realigned then (they were sideways). The next morning on my walk around I noticed my passenger front tire sidewall had ruptured and I was so close to total failure but thankfully was able to replace the tire before it blew. Got real lucky but yeah.... TL:DR fuck Indianapolis
  9. Spent 10 hours on the road in a cargo van thought for sure by now these idiots would have posted at least one new member on their 2024 coaching staff site of immense loneliness but nope. These absolute bozorons are actually going to make it to Wednesday with the OC in limbo and no DC aren't they?
  10. Helping the old man liquidate his sports card collection and I had to put some cards back that fell out and saw this card and got a nice chuckle.
  11. The song girl travels through time cheering on heinous historical events was probably hornfans.com peak moment. Side note I just went over there and sure enough somehow that site is still online and people still post lol.
  12. Aggy definitely back traced them and the consequences will never be the same.
  13. No but we potentially have ~25 years to live with the electrified world before the sun pops off another Carrington level event then it's sayonara to our modern way of life as we get beat back into the stone ages. If you want to go down the rabbit hole I suggest you check out the Gleissberg cycle and look at all the catastrophes that happened during the Dalton minimum back in the early 1800s. Big ones being Mount Tambora in 1815 which triggered the year without a summer as well as the 1811-12 New Madrid trio of earthquakes that caused the Mississippi River to go retrograde. Eventually we will figure out the sun controls the plate tectonics, earthquakes, and volcanoes and as we make our way though the galaxy big events start happening on some pretty common cycles. The Holocene is running out of time since the Younger Dryas and our future is cold no matter what histrionics you get from the dipshit mainstream media they have a vested interest in deceiving the masses. I'm no survivalist but make sure you go out and enjoy the perks of modern life while you still can because a combination of dystopian depopulationist governments hell bent on full control will continue wiping out your freedoms then comes the sun to reset the matrix and but a few of us will survive.
  14. It's pretty cute the ags keep stroking their flaccid micropeens over Moffitt. Like I get it bros he's an upgrade over Bilbo's appointment Brandon Sanders but there is a reason LSU fired him despite the fact that he ultimately won 3 national championships under Saban, Miles, & Orgeron. Should be high comedy once he starts to bust Bilbo's malcontent lackadaisical recruits around. Can't wait to see the attrition go down
  15. Aggy finna eat today! How many fried food pizza troughs they gonna break out this time? Step aside weaker SEC programs
  16. I actually like Nebraska because of the times I had there 1998-2006. The 2010 trip was meh till we ripped their hearts out but I at least sympathized why they were pissed. Now that they cut off their noses to spite their faces it is mildly amusing and entertaining but I just don't get the vitriol from Texas perspective.... You either didn't go to the early games in Lincoln and missed out on the greatness or you just have little dick energy.
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