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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by YChang

  1. Great pitch. OK Stros, let’s GOOOOO!
  2. In retrospect WS JV, seems to be good for 4 innings max and then use someone like Garcia or Urquidy to extend it
  3. New game. Come on Stros, get out of this
  4. Not even mad at Tuve there having to go defensive after 2 bs calls
  5. Ok Tuve, I’ll take a solo Hr here please.
  6. Damn, JV. Need you to be an ace there.
  7. Philly ain’t going away easy of course, dang. Punching back.
  8. Come on JV, let’s get out of this….
  9. Yeah, let’s just get Jeremy home.
  10. Sometimes I really hate Tuve’s approach
  11. What's the GOP solution to inflation? Other than tax cuts for wealthy and corporations which the evidence so far worldwide doesn't seem to imply it works very well.
  12. YChang


    Hey, I love my New Balance!
  13. Donezo… for the love of all that is holy, I hope enough Texans vote for change this go around.
  14. Those are some amazing broom dance moves
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