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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by YChang

  1. No one would fit that description a 100% But I truly believe Dem candidates would lean much closer to trying to tackle issues citizens care about.
  2. Things aren't exactly fine though... I get you're having some fun at crash's expense and all but doesn't this concern you at all?
  3. More dedication! 2 bites should finish the taco before there’s a chance of that happening.
  4. It ain't that hard in the normal times. And I can only imagine how easy it was under the Trump admin.
  5. The LBJ series are fantastic. What a fascinating man.
  6. Fwiw, that’s a very Anglo-American centric view here. It’s not uncommon rest of the world culturally to take care of our elders. And with a declining population, that internal safety net isn’t there. Case in point China and another aspect of their 1-child policy coming home to roost.
  7. Ha, rather jovial speeches from both players.
  8. Fun and silly. Solid B- for me.
  9. I guess this is the right thread for this? Interview with a former GOP consultant's new tell all type book: ‘It Was All Just a Show’ Confessions of a Republican Campaign Hit Man
  10. Not exactly a high bar to pass there chief.
  11. Damn it... wish were were playing the Mets or Yankees instead.
  12. Now carry that thought out some more on why it hasn't happened....
  13. It’s not like what you said Slorch isn’t without merit… but I don’t get why your’e so dogmatic that it’s everything but way too easy access to guns.
  14. Lol, A+ on that bit of creative writing from clap. Lol
  15. I think Peña freaky friday-ed Yordan on that collision
  16. Just let this dude walk in a run…
  17. Is Jose’s excuse just trying to be aggressive?
  18. Man, I love how this org has developed its pitching staff.
  19. Production quality is pretty dang awesome... but man the on-air talent sucks.
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