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Everything posted by DougO

  1. Genius Moore dialed up 80 yards of penalties and a 3 yard pass.
  2. This ref seems like a cunt.
  3. But it sure looked like he was interfered with.
  4. Tolbert likely thought he had to recover it because the thought Turpin touched it
  5. Nice of Cooks to finally decide to show up. Nice catch, good throw.
  6. That was the most pussyass block attempt to be called a hold in NFL history.
  7. One of Dak's best career plays. Nice.
  8. Damn, how many flags is that already? A couple of them seemed like bullcrap, but still, it almost seems like they are poorly coached.
  9. Will Austin Hedges be available to close this bitch?
  10. Doesn't look like the no-hitter is happening today.
  11. Stros would just get a hacker to cheat the roboumps anyway.
  12. LOL, the ol' Chapmon fake gopherball trick.
  13. Some primitive eclipse photos I decided to try at the last minute.
  14. He's probably not even better than most of the people in the Surly Guitar Pron thread.
  15. Went to HEB around midnight to get some breakfast for in the morning. It was closed AF! Went to the Wal Mart across the stree. It was closed AF! Drove about 5 miles to the bigass super Wal Mart and it was closed AF, too! WTF is this closin' shit everywhere? When that that happen? Dogs and cats living together and shit...
  16. A Cowboys icon and a cowboy icon. The real deal.
  17. He's an old man who has a whole bag of nothing after Brady left. Is he even an upgrade at this point to Mike? It would be a classic Jerry move.
  18. Cool. I always wondered about the guys in his band. I totally forgot about this song. Pretty huge back in the day.
  19. Richie Blackmore was probably my original guitar hero, as I binged on my big brother's Deep Purple records back in the day. He really opened my ears to what guitar greatness was all about. I listened to the solo for Lazy over and over before I ever even thought about playing guitar. All the stuff on Machine Head and Burn were the foundation for my eventual love of electric guitars.
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