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Everything posted by Asithappens

  1. Moderna said its Covid-19 vaccine is 96% effective in kids ages 12 to 17, according to early data released with the company’s first-quarter earnings Thursday.
  2. I don't understand this. It's like we've gone full retard on how viruses work. My 12 yo doesn't want a shot so I'm ok with it. Fucking parents nowadays. Grow a pair and do the right thing. For him and everyone else. Jesus.
  3. Worthy of a full-blown court martial. Fuck that guy.
  4. Here's what Carville had to say about that (and I agree with him): We won the White House against a world-historical buffoon. And we came within 42,000 votes of losing. We lost congressional seats. We didn’t pick up state legislatures. So let’s not have an argument about whether or not we’re off-key in our messaging. We are. And we’re off because there’s too much jargon and there’s too much esoterica and it turns people off. Stop convincing yourself that just b/c Biden won that all is well. It isn't. Especially with re-apportionment coming down the pike.
  5. The term Latinx is virtue signaling bullshit, used by virtue-signaling bullshitters.
  6. Look at the content of the message, not just the messenger. But you do you.
  7. I would call those people Republicans. Or most of them.
  8. Thanks for posting this. I first saw this on Jerry Coyne's blog. Carville is right. Look, it's a political party not a religion. Get the "true believers" the fuck outta here. The fringe/progressive side of the Dems is poison to a lot of blue collar America, and I'm not a big fan of them, either. Latinx? Defund the popo? WTF is that? Just. Fucking. Morons. Imo. Thank god it looks like we have an adult back in the WH.
  9. And... then it's time for forgiveness. Just my opinion. We (the non-Trumptards) should be the better people.
  10. That's one good looking Nudie suit.
  11. That seems to be (by far) the worst of the accounting classes, imo. Pensions and leases suck. Maybe not as bad as consolidations, but ....
  12. There's no other way to say it: those people are mentally ill.
  13. Parson's album Grievous Angel is very good and has a lot of Harris in it. Just some great music.
  14. Hey! You can bad mouth Chaska, Le Sueur, or even White Bear Lake, but leave Bemidji out of it.
  15. I'm with the part to make it a misdemeanor to obstruct a roadway. Get the fuck off the interstate.
  16. I guess that evangelicals have always worshipped at the altar of ignorance (see Inherit the Wind, great movie). But now it seems that hypocrisy and bigotry are taking the center stage, as well. And they are ok with that b/c they think that's what their god wants. You can't tell these people anything.
  17. So have a court martial then. Like that's a deal breaker?
  18. I liked RBG. And I loathe Trump and Trumptards. But why in the fuck didn't RBG retire when Obama could've appointed somebody to replace her? That's pretty much on her. Fucking stupid decision imo. (for her not to have retired)
  19. Part of the problem, imo, is that there are too many ex-military in the civilian police force. At worst, and all too often, they view the public as the enemy. Unfortunately, everybody should know and realize that as it currently stands the police are NOT there to help you. They are para-military hacks who view us civilians as the problem/enemy.
  20. And while you're out in Big Bend, get your ass up to Guadalupe and hike the peak. In my opinion, you aren't a true Texan unless and until you've hiked the peak. Hike it, mofos. It's not easy, but it's doable.
  21. Oh man, I need to get back to God's country. The Window Trail (if it's a "trail", can't remember) is good and easy. The only downside is that it's downhill starting out but uphill returning. Lost Mines Trail is good. Grapevine Hills (think that's what it's called) is really nice. Be careful climbing those rocks. Just ask a Ranger. Of course, be sure to hit up Santa Elena Canyon. Big Bend is one of the most beautiful places on earth. In my opinion.
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