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Everything posted by Brothahorn

  1. All you can do is try, grasshopper.
  2. In for the animated stuff. Recently watched Battle of the Supersons. Will probably be the best DC movie of the year.
  3. We also note that this is the first SB with two 'brothers' at QB.
  4. 2 weeks from now she will be calling one of those manly F150 drivers to haul the armoire that won't fit in her subaru up 3 flights of stairs.
  5. Agreed. Heck KC had issues yesterday moving the ball. Interested to see how the KC defense deals with the run game. I expect to see lots of Mahomes standing on the sideline.
  6. His OC/Offense is my biggest question mark. The game has changed. Yeah, you will still have to some 19-16 games, but overall teams need to score points. And most DCs are slow to understand that, IMO. Ultimately, that's how his tenure will be judged by his offense. Better than another fired 2x retread. That shouldn't matter. We've seen plenty of experienced guys spit the bit. A good coach will make it work. Nice to hear. But then again, Cal and Hannah are involved and you know they don't know shit about football.
  7. That was some WCW Monday Nitro shit.
  8. Not quite that bad for me yet. But I am having a hard time getting into the groove. Although I do normally start really paying attention after the all star break. But last year and probably this year I find myself getting more news and info from twitter and Surly. And I wasted $50 on league pass. When I need detailed insight I just look to Surly's version of the TNT crew..Mitch, Derka and Aggie.
  9. Think about 200 plus women, some single, some married(and not giving a damn) all vying for any male attention they can get. If you had any kind of game or hell just changed your underwear some times you could fuck. You had volleyball chicks, the softball chicks, happy hour chicks, Milf, Gilfs, you name it. And since it was Xerox, there was so much diversity. When I left I had a bit of a reputation as a man whoar. I mean the less obvious occupations. Like the waitress at the strip club.
  10. Once the Super Bowl is over, I'm starting my dry January. Got 2 months last year. Going to 3 this year.
  11. Don't discount your thoughts, they are as valid as anyone else posting here. Especially the ghouls. I agree on this not having the same feel as GF. Or even Mike Brown. In those cases shit happened within days if not hours. Plus those guys basically died on site. So, Maybe because of lack of video, maybe because of who the cops are? But as you said the wheels of justice are turning. And that is what really matters.
  12. See that's another thing that makes no sense. You can't push that people need to be healthier and then push body positivity with examples like that. Which one is it?
  13. Damn, how could I forget about teachers.
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