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Everything posted by Brothahorn

  1. Surly needs to rank freaks by occupation one day. In no particular order: Call Center Chicks Nurses(I married one) FA's Hotel Workers Real Estate Agents/Apartment workers
  2. Grantchester, season 7 and Vienna Blood, season 3. Through Prime-BBC Masterpiece
  3. It's an education issue more than anything. Not saying Cap is completely wrong. But think about how many people are getting that bad advice. I mean Chex or Raisin Bran are not even on the list. Besides straight Cheerios is there a healthier cereal than Chex?
  4. It's the age old debate..fat vs thick. There is a very big difference. Too many guys consider a thick woman fat..just because. Knowing damn well they would hit it. Wife follows these two for fashion advice. I wouldn't consider either one of those to be fat. But Surly would. https://www.instagram.com/onelifeandstyle/ https://www.instagram.com/shelbstales/ 2nd one says she is 5'6", 155lbs. I would be like 'Bob the Nailer' on both. That may be a little too thick for you, but that is not fat. This is fat. https://www.instagram.com/thedoctorbae/
  5. You could also wonder if this would be a bigger story. I don't think it's getting the same attention as GF. But then again, I've distanced myself most news that isn't local these days.
  6. [emoji1531] Is this more of East Coast/Midwest thing? There is not one low income neighborhood in Houston that doesn't have a Fiesta, Food Town/Circle/Land/City, Seller Bros. or a small independent store(with a real meat counter) that I can think of. All of those are legit grocery stores. Dallas and SA are probably the same. Point being, in today's urban areas, fat people aren't fat because of some subjective food desert. But because many of them eat dessert like it's the only food. They have access to healthy options. Many of them are not making healthy choices. Maybe because they don't know any better. Heck I don't always make the best choices and I absolutely know better. Maybe there are some deserts in West Texas. Growing up the closest grocery store was 7 miles. And if you wanted a chain store(MiniMax, Brookshires), it was another 10 miles.
  7. What are your definitions of a 'food desert' and real food?
  8. Definitely not much of an upgrade over Wilks. Wilks can't catch a break.
  9. Randi pushed Charles down the steps and broke Chris' glasses. She next put baseballs in a bag tied to the ceiling fan and beat herself up. Then she called the cops. Charles and Chris were both arrested. Chris lost his job and Charles is playing Saturday. Meanwhile Randi is still shopping for wedding dresses while cleaning up closets and nightstands.
  10. Obligatory..Fuck Them Kids! Probably because whatever lie was told to justify the fund will never actually work. And definitely won't see the majority of the money. Also any vehicles fees should go towards transportation needs only. The roads in Harris county are bad. If you want to save them lil bastards put it on my sales tax.
  11. $1.50 child safety fund fee on my vehicle registration. What the hell is this? And why is it on vehicle registrations?
  12. Steph is too good and intelligent to be acting like a 14 yo lil dribbler.
  13. Guns don't kill people. Dogs with guns kill people.
  14. And most of them were average as fuck or never played the game at all. But now are experts on what it takes to win.
  15. https://cordcuttersnews.com/a-dish-directv-merger-may-be-coming-soon-thanks-to-cord-cutting/ Merger?
  16. So Bengals/49ers III. 20-16 or 26-21?
  17. Not random. I looked at the Espn draft rankings and he was the highest on all 3 lists. It wasn't a shot at him but about the Texans doing something real stupid. If he is as good as advertised, the Texans do need him just not in the 1st round.
  18. Never will understand why every single moment in life has to be filmed. What's so important about flying commercial, if you are not in one of those fancy booths? Basic people filming basic shit.
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